Chapter 15

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Shaking the snow from my body, Philip welcomes me again into his house. The place is familiar, but I'm struggling to remember how. Warm brown wooden floors with pictures and paintings all along the walls. The paintings are beautiful, and there appears to be one of every child but one, though of course I don't know which.

"You might remember this from when you were drunk," Philip whispers and the memories immediately flash back to me.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes," he says to my reaction and I shove my coat into his arms. I wait at the door as he puts everything in a closet then leads me further into the house. Pushing a door out of our way, I hear chatter of many children. Then, silence.

As I enter, all eyes are on me. Judging, looking me up and down and deciding whether I was worthy. I see many little boys, and only two girls.

"Theodosia?" Elizabeth's voice calls, and I turn to see a flour covered woman emerging from the kitchen. "Darling, I would hug you but I'm filthy. How have you been?"

Her grin is welcoming as she walks to me.

"I'm very good, thank you Mrs Hamilton. Thank you so much for inviting me to dine with your family." I say politely.

"Of course! I had to make up for that horrible fiasco a few days ago. My husband can really be hot-headed sometimes. He really has nothing against you, deary."

"Thank you Mrs Hamilton."

"Shush! Call me Eliza, Mrs Hamilton is your name." I blush, stepping back into Philip's chest. I mumble a sorry to Philip and Eliza laughs heartily.

"You are too cute, my dear. Now, Philip, why don't you introduce her to your brothers and sisters while I finish the turkey?" Eliza commands more than asks.

"Of course."

Eliza walks out, and I turn to see the children's eyes still on me.

Philip clears his throat, "usual procedure." He says, and the kids all line up in an order, tallest to shortest. Seems they have a routine for guests. Philip leads me to a young woman, who looks about 13, with tight packed curls like Philip's tied in two buns atop her head.

"I'm Angelica, I'm 14." She tells me, holding her hand out. I shake it, beginning to say my name but she shakes her head. "We already know. Philip couldn't shut up about you after he met. I can't wait until you two get your own house, it means I'll get my own room."

Philip shuns her, and I giggle.

"Couldn't shut up, eh? We'll see, I have a few tricks." I wink, trying to act as though Philip really is my beloved fiancé.

Angelica frowns, making a disgusted face as she walks away. An all too eager boy takes her place, straight and styled light brown hair. His bright blue eyes and small assorted freckles reminds me of his mother, Eliza. He immediately takes my hand in his, kissing my knuckles.

"The name is John Church Hamilton, at your service m'lady." He says, and I hear Ace growl angrily.

"Hello John, my name is Theodosia. How old may you be?"

"Ten, about to be eleven in August." John winks, and Ace pulls me close to his body.

"How interesting." I say, and Philip ushers John Church away, much to the ten-about-to-be-eleven-year-old's dismay.

Next, a little boy who looked about eight or nine had paint splatters all over his face and clothes, looked up to me.

"I'm sorry for the paint mess, I was painting before you arrived." He explains politely, smiling. "My name is James Alexander Hamilton, though you can call me James."

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