Chapter 31

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WARNING: I'm not sure what percentage of you care about historical accuracy, but I'm sure you're aware this story is not entirely accurate. Normally I try to keep to some relevance of the time period. However, this chapter includes swimming. I looked into the 1800's swim suits and, um, the women wore freaking parachutes on their legs. As much as I love historical accuracy, Theodosia ain't gonna be floating around like a starfish. Instead, everyone's going to be wearing 1950's swim suits. Because it's cuter.



The air was salty and tangy. Wafts of misty sea blew in our faces, challenging our noses to sneeze. I watched John race towards the ocean, removing his top as he ran. Eliza quickly scuttled after him, scoping the boy from the sand. John protested loudly, and our whole group rushed inside hurriedly.

Alexander set his suitcase on the counter, alongside my father. Philip and I stood side by side admiring the cabin. It was rustic and beautiful. Wooden walls with a smorgasbord of colors. The couches and seats were plush and dark, blankets made of wool looking perfect for cozy nights. A set of wooden stairs led to the second floor, followed by a hallway downstairs of rooms. Eliza hit the door to a slam with her hip while John still wailed.

"Alexander, can you bring the stuff to our room?" Eliza asked, walking firmly towards the end of the hallway. She turned to knob and placed John on the floor. Alexander came in, placing the bags somewhere else. We heard Eliza begin to scold John before the door closed.

Children began to rustle about, claiming rooms. Angelica claimed the one next to the bathroom and had an intense fight with William over it. I casually walked upstairs past the fights.

There were about four bedrooms upstairs, and I chose the one with the best view. I could see the shoreline and could hear the waves beat one another as they clashed. The windows creaked as I thrust them open, the salty wind rushing into my room. Philip stood in the doorway, grinning ear to ear.

"Hey partner," Philip said, placing his bag on the dresser. "Mind bunking with me?"

I smiled shyly, "I don't know, do you kick?"

He came to me gently, giving a boyish look of happiness. His hands rested on my waist and mine laid on his shoulder casually. We kiss each other softly before something outside the window catches my eye.

"Seagulls!" I race towards the window, throwing the doors open and sticking my head out. I've always read books where characters go to beaches and hear seagulls but I've never seen them until now. The majestic and rather loud bird flies through the sky with a precise way about himself. He dips towards one area only to glide into another. His broad head and ash tipped wings stand out amongst the blue sky. The room fills with his loud and prominent squawks demanded the attention of any person who might be listening.

Philip comes to my side, poking my stomach and frowning when I whack his hand, "Seriously, it takes seagulls to impress you?"

I stuck my tongue at him childishly, turning to face him. He leans to me, watching me intensely. His eyes tint red and I feel my face burn. Philip was a one of a kind guy, and I loved him. It was strange to admit, but I loved him. His plump lips grew closer to mine and my eyelids fluttered down in response. We got so close, before the door of our room was slammed aggresively. Angelica stood with a frown, marching to Philip.

"Pip! William threw my stuff in the ocean!" Angelica screeched, rushing from the room in a rage. We darted after her to see what William had done. He seemed so calm, I find it odd he would get angry enough to toss his sisters belongings.

The sand encrusted my toes as we ran barefoot across the warm sand. William stood in the curling waves, holding Angelica's suitcase on his bony hip. He selected a thin overcoat from her bag and flung it into the creamy waters. They engulfed it in one bite and Angelica screamed in utter rage. Eliza was ahead of us, desperately trying to stop John from jumping in but to stop William from throwing all of Angelica's clothes. Alexander crashing into the water echoed like cannons throughout the entirety of the beach. Beet red and fuming, Mr. Hamilton scooped William from the sandy waters. He threw Angelica's suitcase on the sand only a foot away while he tossed William over his shoulder. She desperately went to collect her things and I came to help her.

"Angelica! What are you missing? Can I help?" My knees hit the sand and I began grabbing at random clothing or items. Angelica scrambled from the ground to collect a book before it was trapped by the waters.

"I don't know yet, he only started a bit ago," Angelica frowned. I offered a smile, folding a nightgown and placing it amongst the tangled mess of clothes. We talked a bit, Angelica crying over her clothes.

I carried the suitcase to our cabin beside her.

"I can't believe he would do that!" Angelica sobbed, wiping snot from her nose. "Does he not love me? He's my brother for God's sake!"

On the steps of the cabin, my father sat on the porch. He had a small chocolate cookie in his hand and a warm Papa-sized smile. Throughout all my frustrations, Papa had always been the best at helping me get through it. I felt ecstatic he was finally spreading the love to Alexander's daughter.

"Angelica, would you like this cookie? I picked it up at the bakery earlier." Papa said, offering the sugary circle of chocolate. Angelica nodded, taking it and taking a small bite. I left them on the porch, letting him work his magic with her.

I found Ace in the kitchen with Eliza. She was prepping a few steaks while Philip distracted John and Eliza Jr. with wooden salt and pepper shakers designed like little men.

"The Salt said to the Pepper, 'are you pulling my leg?'" With his thumb, he yanked on one of Salt's legs. The kids started gigglings like crazy.

I crept from behind them, having a fun idea to get the kids out of the house for now. Grabbing Eliza Jr. by the waist I hoisted her onto my shoulders. Her chubby baby arms grasped onto my hair, laughing when she realized it was me. John ran to me, holding my leg. I slide Eliza to my hip and held John's hand.

"Eliza! John! The evil dragon is coming for you! We have to run," John screeched and pointed for the door. We scuttled out as Philip slowly followed us, pretending to scream like a despicable monster.

The sand made running hard but it was fun. Philip picked John by the arm pits and blew a raspberry. Eliza Jr. and I ran as the Evil Dragon King and his assistant chased us around the beach.

Philip kicked water into me and Eliza Jr. I gasped at first, and looked to Eliza for her reaction. She tried to wiggle from my grasp, so I gently set her down. In her hands, she grabbed two chunks of wet sand. Waddling her way to Philip, she placed them in the most perfect spot.

His balls.

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