Chapter 16

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Jumping away from Philip, I find myself tumbling into the dining room head first. Laughs fill the room and I spot an angry and very pink Philip.

"Anastasie!" He growls, and I look up to see the three amigos. Anastasie, Will and Madison.

Anastasie is looking beautiful, like always, with a goregous green dress. Her hair is in a ponytail to the side, and she has a big smile plastered on her face. Madison, on the other hand, is wearing a simple purple dress with a velvet coat. With gold shimmery streaks, her hair is pulled into a fancy bun with many details. Will wears a black suit with a matching tie of Madison's dress.

"I couldn't get the kids off me," a man grumbles. A very tall man with buzzcut black hair and chestnut skin walks in. He wears a handsome black suit with a beautiful green tie. As he walks past Will, the two looking similar, he messes his hair with his hand making Will frown as he fixes it. He kisses Anastasie's head and she seems to fall into his loving embrace.

I stare the exchange almost... jealously? Bah, there's no way! Love has never been a priority and never will, being married to an incredibly handsome man won't change that.


Anastasie opens her eyes and looks back at me, then makes a baffled expression. "John! My dear, I haven't introduced you Philip's fiancé!"

"You have a fiancé?" John asks, and I feel a hand on my waist and turn to look up at Ace.

He has a broad grin and is holding me protectively. Awkward.

"I do! We've only been engaged for.. about a week now?" Philip looks to me and I nod.

"9 days." I say, automatically knowing the answer.

"This is her?" John asks, stepping from his wife to inspect me. He, like everyone else associated with Philip, seems to look me up and down, ready to declare me unworthy. Surprisingly, after making contact with my hair pin, gladly sticks his hand out.

"John W. Mulligan, I'm presuming you know my wife Anastasie?" He asks as I take his hand in my own.

"Theodosia Burr, sir." I nod kindly. "I do know your wife, not for long however."

"Burr?" John raises an eyebrow and questionably looks to Philip.

Philip just holds my waist tighter. "Yeah, I decided to overlook that minor downfall."

Without thinking, I break from his grasp and look at him with a mockingly hurt expression. "Downfall? Puh-lease, I think you mean upgrade."

The group laughs, and I realized what I say. The tips of his ears turn pink at my cheeks respond similarly. He kisses my forehead, whispering into my skin.

"Why of course, my little Angel."

Holy mother of Dragons that boy has a way with words if I've ever seen it. He sends my heart fluttering and my hair on edge as I try to act composed and sophisticated. Of course that means I make it more than obvious. John makes some conversation with me as Philip gets called from Eliza for God knows what.

"I'm intrigued how such a beautiful Burr ended with, our Philip." John asks, as everyone makes our way to the table.

Anastasie slaps his arm playfully. "Philip's not that bad."

"I don't know. I haven't known him for long but.." I'm stuck on something convincing. "He found a way into my heart faster than I did to his. He's kind and gentle, somehow knowing exactly the kind of person I need. He's just, perfect."

"You said you didn't know him for long?" Madison pipes in, curious. "I thought he already knew you for a while before we met you."

I shake my head. "I really don't know as much as I'd like to. But, I'm learning."

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