Chapter 10

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A/N: Just a disclaimer, at the time period I'm writing, cross dressing, transgender, and gay stuff was foreign and disliked. In this they are discussing the possibility to dress Theo as a guy to get into college, but she finds it bad to crossdress. I just want to say, it's not like I don't support it, but in this particular time it was shunned.


"I'm asking you to be my wife," Philip repeats himself, a desperate look in his eyes.

I'm frozen, barely able to mutter the word, "no."

"Please!" He gets to a knee, taking my hands in his.

"Why?" I ask him.

"I suppose that is a valid question," he stands and runs his hand through his hair. "My, my father, when I was born, was caught doing some... horrible things by a man working for the King of England during the war. The man reported to the King, and told my father his first born son was to marry his first born daughter once he reaches the age of 18."

"How old are you?" I ask gently, taking a seat in the grass. He follows me doing so.

"I'm 17, my birthday is coming up. I have to marry Augusta Sophia, that just sounds like an unpleasant woman. Not to mention she's at least 10 years older than me." Philip complains.

I cross my arms and raising an eyebrow at him. "What does this have to do with me being your wife?"

"When my mother, the woman earlier today, found out about this, she wasn't happy. She found someway to convince the King that if I were to find a wife before then, I will not need to marry Augusta Sophia. Of course, it needs to be on my own terms and desires. I'm actually not allowed to know of this affair until my birthday, but I discovered old letters." Philip explains. "I would have gone to one of my friends, but they each have their own person. Right as I was coming to terms with accepting it, I met you."

This makes me blush as I stare at my hand. He has such a way with words, making me want to melt like puddy in his hands. Like some sort of poet. "What did I do to make you think otherwise?"

"You had an aura I was just naturally drawn to. You were fiesty and beautiful, smart and mature. Even if you don't want to pursue a romantic relationship, I would love you entirely as a friend. This led me to believe you would be a good person to spend the rest of my life with."

My cheeks get bright pink, and I shove my face into the folds of my dress. The choice is so difficult. On one hand, I could completely destroy his offer due to the fact we barely know each other. Then he would be forced into a loveless marriage with America's enemie's daughter. If I said yes, it could destroy my relationship with my father as well as my reputation among the city, not something I entirely want. The more I thought, I realize it all boils down to if I want to do with my life. Looking up at Philip's gorgeous green eyes, I notice a tint of gold in them. B-e-a-utiful.

Standing once again, I look him dead in the eye. Mustering up my firmest and toughest voice, I say; "and what would I be benefiting from this relationship?"

Philip gives me an alarmed expression, completely shocked over this question. I take advantage over this.

"Don't tell me you thought I'd say yes because of a few simple words." Strolling around him, almost like a fox around it's prey, I give him an amused and fierce look. More like I try. His ears tint pink, as he looks shamefully to the floor.

"If I agreed to this arrangement, I would be risking a lot. First off, both of our reputations could be at a high risk. Not to mention how it might totally damage or destroy mine with my father." I take his chin and have him look in my eyes. "What if we were to want children? What would our sleeping quarters be? I need a reason to benefit from this, not just all you."

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