Chapter 23

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The Dupain-Cheng Bakery was full of happy people bustling around, more than joyful to munch on the delicacies the bakery had to offer. I'd only been there a few times myself. However, the place just made a smile appear on my lips and warmth through my body. The last time I was here a few years ago, and they seemed to have upgraded.

A few booths next to the windows filled the once empty corners, and a nice glass cover to advertise the food. A counter with a register sat nicely on the cream counter. (That doesn't make sense but ignore it)

I entered with a ring of the bell, signaling a new customer.

"Welcome to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, how can we help you this fine day?" A large, cheerful, and masculine voice calls from the counter and I look up to see a large man. On his pale skin he displayed a proud moustache matched with some thick sideburns.

To his right, a petite woman barely half his height stood with a gentle smile. The dramatic difference in the couple made me want to laugh and
aww the same time.

Looking around, I see the two Hamilton's haven't arrived yet so I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. "No thank you, sir. I'm actually just waiting for my friends."

The woman nods as the man gives a chuckle. I slip into a booth, pulling out a book, and await their arrival.

It doesn't take long before I see the familiar freckles, and he gives a smile of relief. He comes to my side, kisses me on the cheek though I protest, and Mrs Hamilton sits across with pursed lips.

"Hello everyone! My name is Marinette and I'll be serving your table today. Can I get you started with some drinks?" A young woman, maybe high school, asks. Her voice is gentle, and she looks exactly like the woman at the counter. Due to this, I can only assume she is the daughter of the couple. I really shouldn't be making such assumptions, however.

"Yes, dear, may I have a glass of warm apple cider, please?" Mrs Hamilton asks, I refrain from wrinkling my nose at her awful drink selection.

"May I also have some cider?" Philip asks.

Marinette scribbles everything on her notepad and looks to me.

"One hot chocolate please. Extra whipped cream and sprinkles."

She grins, writing it down whilst shaking her head and laughing. "Couldn't agree with you more, ma'am. Your drinks will be out shortly."

Marinette rushes off as more people file in and I take the opportunity to complain of their drink choices.

"How could you drink hot cider?!" I spit out, giving a more than bewildered expression. "It's disgusting. Warm, and sweet, and ew!"

Philip gives an attractive snort, not being sarcastic at all, and Mrs Hamilton gives a smile. She shrugs, fixing her hair.

"Alexander and I had hot cider at our wedding." She tells me, but I continue to wrinkle my nose in disgust.

Philip groans. "Way to ruin my view on cider forever, mom."

"Whatever, son."

I giggle at their adorable relationship and can only hope any children of mine have a good relationship with me. Though, children isn't a priority unless we adopt. Just because I'm marrying him doesn't mean he gets any access to this gold mine. He can just beat the meat in a corner or something.

Cringing at my own thoughts, my face lights up at the sight of Marinette carrying a tray to our table. She sets the drinks in front of us, only to pull her notebook out again.

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