Chapter 21

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As our lips connected fireworks went off, literally.

Warmth was spread through my body as his arms, which encircled me, pushed me further with his kiss. Arms dashing to his neck and twisting my head for better access, I found myself enthralled with the magical kiss.

Since I've never been kissed, I can't define it as a good kiss nor a bad one. However, the desire for more after parting lead me to believe it was good. Our foreheads bumped together as we huffed and puffed for air.

A feeling in my gut stirred and I remembered my first rule, 'no kissing.' I knew Philip only kissed me because of the new year and age old tradition, but I felt devastated with the fact I needed to remind him. Clearly tonight was not the night too, but I portrayed my best inner actress. He pecked my lips again, and went for a deeper one before spotting my father glaring at us, only to see Mrs Hamilton holding Alexander back.

We leave from each other, our hands remaining entwined with one another like vines or ivy around an old building. I stumble, still taken aback and some pink on Philip's ears is mentally noted. As we calm down from the kiss, Papa walks over.

"Theodosia, Philip." He nods, smiling. "I hate to tear," ha, he probably loved it. "...this lovely woman from you, but it's very dark and we should head back home."

Philip nods, and I begin to speak but realize we have no plan to tell him of our legal marriage. He leans over to whisper in my father's ear and feel him begin to tug on the ring he got me. Once it's off, he holds my hand with it in our palms and brings my hand to his pocket. He does it like he's trying to warm my hand, we release the ring. I reconisge why he's doing it, most likely to tell my father his giving me the ring for the first time.

They whisper and conspire, the conversation ending in a reluctant sigh from my father. With a cheeky, excited grin, Philip pulls me into the snowy city away from our families. The pure and simple bliss was all the more calming.

We walk towards the restaurant near the chapel, where Philip tells me the preacher does the elopement, to make it seem that was the desired plan. Sliding into a booth, we got to choose being one of the few customers, we began to talk silently.

"Don't you think it would make more sense to go to like an office or something? A marriage is a legal binding to another person, it would be logical to do it there!" I comment, raising an eyebrow as to prove my belief. Philip shrugs,

"You are right."

"Yup, you better get used to it." I say casually, brushing the snow from my hair.

Ace chuckled, giving a whistle as I blushed like some weird little maniac. I mean, I know I am but I didn't like expressing it. We both look outside and see no one walking the icy lands and take this as our opportunity. Sneaking out of the restaurant, we make our way to the church.

The big, heavy doors creek open, both of us panic for a second. Alas, no one reacts and I drag Philip in by the wrist. Standing at the alter, a woman in a pale yellow dress and a man in a blue suit are reciting words from the preacher. He then says, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kiss the bride to make it official."

"I think they are getting eloped too." Ace whispers in my ear. I simply nod, agreeing.

We slowly approach the alter, clinging to each other, though, Philip seems to be clinging to me more than I to him. I'll have to tease him later.

The old preacher looked about a thousand years old. Cracked lips, wrinkled face and a hunched over back from years of improper posture.

"Another elopement!?" He cries, his eyes squinting so hard he looks like he's closing them.

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