Chapter 26

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"What do you wear for a King and princess?" I ask aloud, pacing frantically around my room as Anastasie and Madison both sit awkwardly. They arrived early in the morning to help me decide everything for this evening. According to the letter Anastasie brought from Philip, they came yesterday to discuss matters today. I'm all around pissed. And I generally am not one to use such language, but the situation called for it.

Don't get me wrong, I know what I signed up for. I knew this life with Philip wasn't going to be easy, particularly with judgement. However, I was not informed I was going to have to tell a 31 year old princess that I'm married to her supposed fiancé. That is exactly what I hoped not to do. Yet here I am, hoping that I can leave with my head still intact.

Heck, telling my dad I was already married was easier than what's about to happen now!

"Chill." Anastasie says, dressed in a simple but absolutely adorable blue dress. It brought out her more than goregous, clear skin. She munched in a pastry. "You look hot in anything."

"I don't need to look hot Anastasie! I need to look royal, regal, what's the word-" I panic, waving around my arms though it proved moot.

"Better than her?" Madison answers in a questioning way, cocking an eyebrow. Well, more like trying. Instead both eyebrows were raised, one slightly higher as she tries to be cocky. She's too cute.


Anastasie rolls her eyes, finishing off whatever sugary carb she just consumed. "Okay, fine. Let me look at the closet."

I passive aggressively throw open the door and huff my way to my bed. I watch as she gets and shuffles through, looking bored. She picks up a royal blue dress with a low sweetheart neckline and beautiful lace detail. She then picks up a black thin coat than stops just under my bust with no buttons for the look, matched with black heels. Throwing it on my bed she proceeds to the vanity, Madison and I staring in awe. She chooses a maroon lipstick, a thick mascara, and scribbles a note next to some eyeliner. Rummaging through some odd magazines I have, she finds picture and circles a photo in ink. Setting everything together, she smiles and stretches her arms out towards the masterpiece.

"Ta da!" She grins. "An entire outfit in less than five minutes. We have a beautiful dark blue to help bring out your hazel hair, black heels to help your sexy appeal. The dark lipstick matched with a long winged eyeliner gives you a mysterious temptress look Augusta Sophia will be jealous of. Matched with loose bun and curls, and you have yourself a stunning look."

I gape at her, "how did you style that so quickly?"

"It's one of my many talents. Now, it's one and you need to be there by four. Strip, and we'll help you dress."

I do as she commands, and get down into my undergarments as she helps me carefully slip the blue dress, I forgot I owned, on. She adjusts it accordingly, then slides the black mini coat on, kissing her fingers and going "Viola!"

Two hours later and I standing in front of the mirror going through different expressions and poses to make me sexier- I honestly don't know. Anastasie is the one orchestrating the whole thing.

"Now, we need to get you over there stat. I know the dinner is at four, but being early is always better than being late." Anastasie explains.

"You're one to talk, I've always known you to be fashionably late, Anastasie." Madison teases, giggling.

"Bite me, Hemmings."

"With pleasure, Mulligan."

"Grow up."

Madison sticks her tongue out, and I struggle to resist a laugh. This is probably the most personality of her I've seen in days.

Within ten seconds Anastasie gives me a cute black clutch and sends me out the door. I adjust for a moment, still somewhat shocked of the situation. With a big sigh I pull myself together and call over a carriage.

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