Chapter 27

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The room was eerily silent, you could practically hear the wheels in King George III's fat head turning as he processed the new information. Alexander sends me anxious looks, currently biting the tip of his thumb. Eliza sighs constantly, holding Alexander's hand. Philip has a hand on his knee, another on his cheek as he awaits the King's response.

Everything moves so quickly, I could barely process it before King George III's hands are on my neck. I gasp and sputter, colors flashing before my eyes. They say your life flashes before your eyes, but for me it's just an array of colors blinding me. Spots, like a Dalmatian all across my vision leaving me, quite literally, breathless.

Then- crack! When I first heard the sound, I had expected it to be my neck. Though I felt no pain. My face felt wet, and I can breathe. Falling to the couch I look up to see King George III lying on the opposing couch, with glass, a purple liquid, and blood on his head. He begins to curse. Even more surprisingly, Augusta Sophia holds the rest of the wine bottle, which consists of the handle, frozen. She seems in utter shock she actually did it, quite literally frozen in time.

"Oh my giddy aunt!" She slaps a hand to her mouth, dropping the evidence of her crime. "I can't believe I just-" she begins to sob. Heartbreaking, terrifying sobs full of fear and astonishment. Not the good kind of astonishment. Many associate the wore with it being so amazing you can't believe. This kind meant she was so flabbergasted, so unbelievably shocked she was astonished it even happened. 

Alexander moves quickly, picking the King up. He calls for Philip and the two neatly arrange the King.

"Philip, go get Dr Montgomery!" He shouts, waving him away.

I hadn't noticed Mrs Hamilton got up until she came back with a bowl of water and multiple towels. I pulled Augusta Sophia to my side, hushing her and calming her.

"You are okay. You didn't do anything bad, you were defending me. I would have died without you." I rub her back.

"I-I-I'm dead! I'll be executed by morning tomorrow. No one can hurt the king!" I hug her, observing the scene. The King is moaning as Eliza gently puts shards from his head, cleaning the blood. The front door slams moment later, and a young man, barely thirty, rushes in with a brief case. He examines the wound, before clicking his tongue and opening his hand bag.

"It's not too bad. It could have been significantly worse. He will need a total of eighteen stitches, in three different areas." Dr Montgomery claims, pulling a needle and thread from his bag.

"He needs sixty four stitches?!" Augusta Sophia cries.

"No, no. The one in the back needs nine, one close to his hair line needs two, and this one," he points to a bloody like on his forehead, "needs seven."

"O-oh. Oh. Oh no..." She cries again. Louder. And more.

"You, crying lady, did you do anything about this?" The doctor asks as he begins to rub the needle in a liquid.

"H-he's my father. He tried choking her," juts her thumb to me. "I smashed his head with a wine bottle to stop it."

"Okay. Come here, I need you to stick this syringe in his forehead. Can you do that?"

She nods, takes the needle, and forces it sharply into his head with no remorse. Tossing the empty container to the side, she asks what it was for. It was for less pain, to numb his head. She sighed and mutter how he should feel it all.

"Young lady, the one who was choked, I need to look at you afterwards. He could have out some serious damage on your neck." I nod, about to answer. The sight of the needle in his head is enough to make me jerk away. Thankfully, Philip is there to catch my fall. He kisses my forehead, and I melt into him.

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