Chapter 6

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(Warning: Drunkenness, failed rape, and vomit will be mentioned in this chapter. Do not read or comment if do not approve. P. S. The art is mine.)

As our shot glasses clink together, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy and peace. The troubling thoughts of Kings College slowly trickle away from my mind. Ace pokes my cheek and I look back at him, alarmed.

"What?" I say, confused.

"What's so interesting about that clock?" He asks me, and I noticed I was staring at a beautiful clock. I begin to blush when I realize he caught me in such an embarrassing situation.

"I-I've always loved art. Not doing it, of course, I'd die of humility, but it's always just so beautiful." I comment, and Anastasie smiles widely.

"My mother is such a good artist!" She raves, her eyes sparkling at the mere mention of her mother. "She's always painting and drawing such realistic beauties."

Ace nods along. "She really is! I've been to France with Anastasie, and I met her parents. Such wonderful people, did you know her father was the legendary war hero Lafeyette! He wrote that one really popular poem, Guns and Ships to try to illustrate what war was like."

"Guns and Ships? Can't say I've heard of it." I say awkwardly, though I'm pretty sure I own the poetry book it belongs to.

"Oh, it's much more popular in France!" Ace assures me. "You remember France, Madison? We had the most delicious food there!"

A small feeling in my gut appears, a small knot in my stomach. A twist of my intestines. A ting of, what was it,... jealousy? No, impossible. What of?

"I've always wanted to go to France." I tell the group.

Ah, that must be it.

"Do you remember the crazy bartender!" Anastasie laughs, and everyone but Madison laughs along.

"Wasn't Mac and Cheese invented in France? I adore it, it's such a delicacy!" I talk with Anastasie.

"I hate Mac and Cheese." A small voice says.

We all turn to Madison, who repeats, "I hate Mac and Cheese."

"Wh-" Ace gives me a look. "Oh, okay. You know I also hate lover. It's disgusting!"

"Lover? You hate lovers?" Will asks me with a smirk.

"What? No! I mean liver!" We laugh and I feel a fuzzy sensation throughout my entire body. My mouth starts to slow down, and I'm struggling to put words together. My throat burns as I gulp down my drink.

"What elsssssse did you do in Fransssse?" I slur, sipping the beer Ace got me, slightly rocking back and forth in my seat uncontrollably. Will chuckles at me, Madison stares silently at the red wine glass of hers, and Anastasie looks to Ace with a smirk.

"Well," Anastasie takes a slow sip of her vodka. "I got married to my husband, John. And Pip over here broke his arm."

I gasp loudly, looking to Ace with wild eyes. "You broke you're arm? Doesss it hurt?"

I quickly grab his arm and inspect it with my eyes, making him laugh.

"Other one, darling." Anastasie tells me, amused by my drunken state. I throw my body across his to inspect his other arm. When I look at it, I notice it's all freckled except a medium sized spot close to his wrist. I see faint lines of stitches.

"I s-s-see you're battle scars!" I giggle, pointing to the open area. Ace just laughs, his perfectly chiseled face making a perfectly adorable expression. The tip of his ears tinted pink. "You're really hot-t." I comment, remembering to really prenounciate the 't'.

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