Chapter 3

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The sun was peeking through my curtains, cascading a sunlight waterfall over my sheets and forcing me to open my eyes. I slowly peered through my lashes, investigating the room with my eyes before finally forcing myself to get up. I went to my drawer, looking for a dress before deciding a royal purple, and getting my outfit for the day on. Fixing my hair in the mirror, I had everything ready except for shoes, which I never wore inside of the house. I checked to see my father still sound asleep, and I hurried downstairs. I began cooking bacon and eggs and French toast, and tasted them to make sure they were good. They weren't horrible, but I knew they didn't need to be perfect to please my father. I piled it onto a tray, then began to climb the stairs carefully.

My knees were shaking, my heart running faster than the gosh dang track. Fortunately, I made it up the stairs, easing my way up. The second I turn the corner, my father ran straight into me. The tray crashed to the ground, I stepped back only to step on food, causing me to slip. I gripped the stair rail for support, my Papa looked at me astonished.

"Oh my, father! I tried to make you a surprise breakfast!" His velvet top was ruined, covered in greasy bacon stains with sugary bits of French toast. I go to help clean his shirt, using the napkin from earlier to try to clean it. It, however, doesn't work and I'm devastated. Exhausted, embarrassed, and shameful.

"I'm so sorry Papa!" I shamefully bow my head. "I didn't mean to cause damage. I simply attempted to make you a surprise breakfast, which clearly didn't work."

Papa sighs. "Thank you Theodosia, you have such a kind heart. Why don't you pick up while I change?"

"Alright Papa, give me the ruined vest and I'll try to clean it later."

"Sounds like a deal, General." He says, nodding and then heading back into his room. I begin putting everything on the tray again, taking it downstairs and throwing away all of the garbage. I soak a cloth, grab another, then clean up the top stair where the grease had stained. My father hadn't left his room yet, and I started getting worried. I knocked on his door, opening it when I received no answer and found my father caught up in a book. The Oddysey, a following The Iliad by Greek author Homer, was a favorite. If it ever caught he eye he stopped to read a little bit. But I saw why he didn't respond, because it was the handwritten version my mother wrote.

My mother used to be dirt poor, and her family couldn't afford the books she loved. At the time, you could only be in the library for two hours a day, but because she was poor she was only allowed one hour and not allowed to check out. She had grabbed a notebook, and copied the sentences onto it. She always kept the book because it reminded her to persevere.

Her birthday was coming up on the 17th and it was currently the 10th. He was probably sad.

"Papa... Papa..." no reply.

I walked over to him, grabbing a bookmark from his pile in the drawer, and placed it on the pages. This didn't fase him. I slowly took the book from his grasp, closing it. He noticed me, letting a tear drip down his cheek. He hadn't changed, so I unbuttoned his vest, threw it on the bed, and plucked a light blue vest out, my mother's favorite color. I slipped it on him, buttoning it then putting his coat on him. He finally responding, shaking his arms to move a little.

He kissed my forehead, "Thank you, Darling."

Papa checks the time on his watch, panicked, and leaves the room in a flash. A few seconds later I hear the front door close.

I sigh, pushing a curly lock behind my ear. I got up, picking up my father's ruined vest annoyed. How could I ruin my father's vest like this?! I am a wicked daughter, yes I am.

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