Chapter 32

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"Salty seas full of wonderous creatures, dazzling sunsets, breathtaking sights, and you mean to be telling me you don't like the beach?" I snapped, staring at my madman of a father. Papa just shook his head, ate a cookie, and continued on with his novel. He didn't notice my pink tongue dash to threaten him. I jogged in my teal polka dotted swimsuit towards the sea I just raved about. Some of the children were swimming, others playing in the sand. Philip was swimming with Eliza Jr. on his shoulders.

Sand crunched its way through the curves of my toes, sliding through like jelly. The waves crashed against my legs as I ran in. Full force, the thunder of my steps against the mushy sand roaring in my ears. My moments were slowed, body steadied as the water dared challenge me. I shut my eyes quickly, thrust my hands above my head, and dove into the water. Fiery gusts of water hitting my body, aching as the salt touches every tiny scratch or cut. I don't care.

My hair flies above my head, a lion waking from its den. The water is cool.

Philip is a few feet from me and I lap over to the two. Eliza Jr. splashes water at me, then dares to get offended when I splash back. With her chubby arms and plump cheeks, Eliza Jr. belongs on a jar of applesauce. I scoop the cutie into my arms, balancing her on my shoulders like Philip had. Her legs clamped 'round my neck.

Philip swam towards us with a glint in his eye. He begins singing a threatening song, going lower and lower until his voice sounds like a big drum radiating amongst the crowds. Eliza Jr. started screaming, tightening her grip on my neck just enough to stop airflow. Philip dove on top of us, his weight crashing our bodies into the water. I floundered about, thrashing my limbs to avoid Philip's reign of terror. My body broke through the surface, gasping for air. At this time, my legs were pumping at full speed and blood was soaring through me. I quickly look around to try and spot Philip and Eliza Jr. It takes me a second to realize that Philip is swimming back shore with Eliza Jr. Maybe the poor doll got scared. I was never a fan of the ocean as a child, though I thoroughly enjoy it now.

The blue waters glided over my hands, gentle like silk and rough like rocks. A large wave came, and I managed to stay above it despite the height. When I look back, Ace is swimming towards me.

"Ahoy, matey!" I cried to him, dangling an arm through the air.

"Why, how coul' a pretty lady like you'self end up ou' here?" Philip smirks with a poorly executed accent. Not sure from what country, but croaky and unattractive.

I twirled, tucking the wet tendrils of hair behind me ear. "Lad, I took meself for a swim. Went 'bit far. You tink so?"

Philip swam to me, his breath a shield. It smelled of salt and a lemon scent, all the while intoxicating. He came to me, kissing my cheek softly. My arms rested on his shoulders, playing with his hair.

"Pip," I began. His eyes stared into mine, intoxicating, "I, I, I love you."

I feel as though this is the first time I've said it, and meant it.

"I love you too," he responds.

I sigh. "No, no, not just a kinda love you say to your friends. I really love you Philip Hamilton. Our wedding night is going to be, just, splendid!"

"Who says we must wait until our wedding night? We are legally married, I've been desiring you in bed since the day you said yes."

I gasp at his straight forward answer. While the offer was the most appealing I've gotten, I couldn't.

"Ace, I love you so much. I truly do. I want a real wedding, fluffy flowers and a sweet dress. It wouldn't feel right. Surely you can understand?"

Philip sighed, pecking my cheek. "I will respect your wishes, my Angel."

I swam away from him until my feet hit the sand, he followed suit and we stood in the waves.

"I already have a dress picked out Philip, and a venue. We are to be married July 31st, I made it earlier for personal reasons." I blushed, but he knew what I intended.

"Theodosia Burr-Hamilton, that's quite the name." Pip said, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I want to marry you again and again my Theodosia."

My hand went over his curls, matted from the water but twisted as can be. I wanted this man, needed this man. Children could only come from him, happiness derived from his deep laugh. My world seemed to be him, those eyes. I look into his eyes and I'm helpless. My body melts into a puddle. I want to kiss every freckle of his body, give it as much love and attention as he has given me. We kiss, soft and gentle. I love this damn man.

Okay, this chapter is short because... the next chapter is their wedding!!! I know it should be spaced a bit more, but these characters have really been in it for the long haul and I just can't wait for the day to appear! For any historians reading, it will be the opposite of historically accurate. I've chosen her dress and some of the songs, including Elvis who wasn't even a concept much less alive. Just so you know, this is going to be a very big episode! Love you all, I hope you don't mind me skipping over this whole trip for the wedding but I couldn't help myself! 💜💜💜

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