Chapter 30: Getting The Band Back Together

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Chapter 30: Getting The Band Back Together

Most of the car ride to the studio was pretty event-less but regardless, I'm probably the happiest now than I've ever been in my entire life.

I have officially proven everybody wrong, because that man sitting in the passengers seat of my car next to me, his name is Matthew Robert Smith and you know what I'm his girlfriend.

The thought of that suddenly overwhelmed me. I. Am. Matt. Smiths. Girlfriend. This can't be real. Right?

Oh what if I mess up? I haven't had many boyfriends. What if I'm so bad at being a girlfriend he dumps me and we won't even be friends.

I need to chill out. I mean he did ask ME out. Before I could freak out anymore he interrupted me.

"Um, Jess?" He asked. I snapped out of it.

"Yeah?" I say looking over to the passengers side.

"So like do you want to make, um, you know, us, public or keep it a secret... I just... I know how much worse the paps get when they know we're dating." He asked nervously.

"Well, I don't mind either way. I'm just happy we're together. It can be our little secret. I mean we can tell our friends and family but just not to the public." I hope that was the right answer.

He then replied in a weird voice,

"I'm down for that" I started dying of laughter. Why does he have to be so cute? I'm not complaining though.

We finally got back to the studio and I was exhausted.

It was 2:00am by then and I was about ready to die. We walked up to my trailer and I suddenly remembered, Savannah and Morgan were staying in my trailer.

I turned around to Matt

"Well. Um Savannah and Morgan are staying at my trailer so can I stay in your trailer for one night?" After a prolonged yawn he mumbled something resembling


We trudged to his trailer and he unlocked it and held the door for me. Even when he was more tired than me he was such a gentleman.

He walked into the bedroom and came out with a pair of pj pants and a t-shirt.

"Uh, here. So you don't have to sleep in your jeans." He said smiling. I smiled at him and went to the bathroom. I quickly changed to find him on the couch.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You got the bed. I can sleep on the couch." He said stretching. Awe! But he can't sleep on that couch. Although it's very comfortable. It's tiny compared to him.

"No. I'm sharing with you. Get your lazy butt in that bed and cuddle with me." I 'demanded'.

He stood up and got extremely close to me, put his hands on the sides of my shoulders and said, "Anything for you my love."

We both then made our way to bed and I fell asleep with his arm around my waist


I woke up the next day at precisely 7:23 A.M. to an extreme pounding on the door accompanied by, "GET YOUR LAZY ASSES UP!! KAREN AND ARTHUR ARE HERE!!!!"

I kind of rolled out of bed and ever so nonchalantly fell on the floor while quickly getting back up with a, "TA DA!"

Matt sat up and started sarcastically clapping. I ran to the door to make them stop and it looks like Morgan was midway through a pound as she fell into the room once I opened the door.

Before she could say anything something happened. And that something just happened to be Steven Moffat walking up to Matts Trailer to inform us that he has a surprise waiting for us and he wants us on set at 10:00am.

I guess getting the band back together will have to wait for now because whenever *coughs* STEVEN MOFFAT has a surprise it's rarely anything good.

A/N: hey guys!!! It's me the new writer. Please comment what you guys think of the chapter as feedback is very much appreciated. And I know this chapter was a little sucky but I do have a plan for the story. Please please please comment and vote.

-Lauren (TheChildOfGallifrey)

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