Chapter One

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"Hana I'll be back. I have some important errands to run." Jimin smiled, planting a soft kiss onto my cheek.

Typical, I scoffed to myself "Your next victim?" I looked up meeting his eyes, chuckling at the obviousness.

"Ah, you know me so well. But I just need a snack." he grabbed for his jacket, waving as he walked out.

It's pretty late into the night, past 1 A.M. it's normal for him to leave and be out around this time. He barely sleeps during the day, but rarely does he sleep during the night.It's safe to say his terrible sleeping habits have been rubbing off on me lately. For the last few days I unfortunately haven't been sleeping at all.

It's been all over the news lately. The more bodies that are being found, the more they are looking for the killer. I just don't want anything to happen to him while he's out on his night sprees.

I'm glad though that his eating habits have been improving. Jimin's told me countless stories of his thirst for human blood and how it can be so hard to resist that kind of temptation. Although he's still somewhat interested in human blood, he thankfully only tends to go for criminals or those who do despicable things. However, for the last few weeks I've been trying to get him to digest the blood of animals instead to draw less suspicion from anyone, especially people like the police.

I've advised him over and over again to stay safe and to be carful, yet he gives me the same response every time- "Don't worry baby, nothing can kill me." but just how truthful is that?


As the night continued to pass slowly, I found myself occasionally glancing out the window. Strangely an unusual sense of worry had come over me. Where was this feeling coming from all of a sudden? I somehow randomly felt an urgent need to find him. 

I made up my mind as I grabbed for my jacket, and headed out into the darkness that bestowed the night. Something's just not right. I know it isn't.

One by one I carefully made my way through the alley's around town looking for him. Just how far out did he go? He only left moments before me...

"Jimin!" I yelled out hoping he'd hear me. His hearing is increased more as night falls, he's able to hear from any distances at this point. That's how he heard me that night.

I continued searching around. At this point I had walked miles. Where could he be? I was starting to have a panic attack, I've never felt like this before.

"Jimin!" I screamed out this time feeling extremely dedsperare. My breathing only grew heavier as time continued to pass.

This feeling was so unbeknown to me and I couldn't take it anymore. I took a break for a bit and slowly braced against a brick wall, dropping myself to the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and cupped my ears as I began to hear countless little whispers. What's going on?!

After sitting there for a short while, the voices only grew more in numbers. Countless different voices had been speaking and yelling at me all at once.

"Stop!" I screamed out, "Please leave me alone!" they only grew louder and louder, screaming at me, calling me a monster and a freak. I cupped my ears even harder. I can't take it!

Randomly In an instant they stopped and the area fell silent. However, my breathing was increasingly growing heavier, making it even more difficult for me to breathe properly.

I kept my head low feeling dizzy, almost as if I was about to lose consciousness. After a few minutes I slowly opened my eyes and made eye contact with a random man. He looked older and well kept. He looked like a normal person, yet he didn't speak, instead he only stared into my eyes deeply. Just like the way Jimin had stared at me that night.

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