Chapter Seventeen

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"Why'd you call me here?" I rolled my eyes while making eye contact with the person in front of me.

"What? You didn't believe that I was genuinely worried about you?" he chuckled, placing his elbows onto the table, "I'm just trying to make sure you're okay." he sighed. 

"Of course not..." I sighed, crossing my arms along my chest, "Also- I don't need you checking up on me outside of the hospital. It's not really your job at this point." I rolled my eyes, diverting my attention from the oblivious doctor.

"Why do you keep putting up this front with me Hana?" he leaned in closer, "I get it, it's not really my place." he sighed heavier this time, "But you're seriously something else... no one makes it out of something lik-" I stopped him.

"Ah ah ah, I thought you said we weren't going to be talking about my incident, yet here you are bringing it up." I slowly raised myself from the table, but his hand gripped my wrist before I could turn away.

"I'm sorry, don't leave." he gave me these puppy like eyes I couldn't resist.

I couldn't bring myself to leave after a look like that. He has charm, it's cute. I sighed, bringing myself to sit back down, crossing my legs under the table.

"I really do apologize, but answer me just this once Hana, are you genuinely okay?" his eyes were glued to mine. He was trying to get under my skin. I can feel it in his glare.

"Yes..." I muttered.

"Because you don't look like it... your skin is a lot pastier than before. You've always had such nice tanned skin." he projected a weak smile.

"What? That's not really much of a reason doctor. It is getting colder outside." I let out of scoff, "nice try." I smiled a bit defiantly at his weak attempt.

"Hana..." he raised his head up and stared at the ceiling, "Your wrist felt like ice... your eyes are a slightly brighter color, and you've lost weight." he brought his eyes back down to meet mine.

I couldn't help but to stare at him in disbelief. He knows doesn't he? He has to know.

"You can't hide something like this..." he lowered his voice and brought himself closer to me, "You're a vampire aren't you?" as he pulled his head away his eyes never left mine and his voice echoed in my head.

I couldn't help but to crack under his glare... "How'd you- you knew all along didn't you?!" I gritted my teeth. Did he do all this to make me into some kind of fool?!

"I'm not stupid... I was only waiting for you to tell me the truth, but you just wouldn't budge." he smiled, while a laugh followed.

"So what was your point in all of this if you knew?! To make me look stupid? Weak?" It felt as if steam was coming from my ears at this point. I feel so dumb...

"Of course not... truly. I just felt myself naturally drawn to you somehow. It was weird. So I made up excuses to see you." he blushed a bit, "Plus I have a little secret of my own." he smiled.

"Huh?" a secret?

"Hana, I'm one of you. I'm a half." he smiled again reaching his hand out, initiating a handshake.

"So that's why you were drawn to me? Cause we're the same?" I'm completely dumbfounded. Slowly I started remembering all the anxiety this idiot of a man caused me.

"You've got to be kidding me!" my response caused him to go still. Almost as if he was shocked, "You caused me soooo much worry just so you can see me?! Are you dumb?! I thought I would've gotten captured, or worse- murdered because of a stupid doctor discovering my secret!" I lashed out at him causing him to jump slightly at my sudden outburst.

"Hana..." he scratched the back of his head, "I didn't realize I'd caused you so much trouble." he nervously smiled, "I'm really sorry." he let out an awkward chuckle.

"Is that all you're capable of saying?" I sighed, "Ahhh you're a pain." I whined out as I laid my head down onto the table.

I could hear him chuckling, "So... do you forgive me?".

I kept my head down and raised my thumb, "Sure... just don't be so dumb Jin." I raised my head to meet eyes with the smiling man, who seems more giddier than before.

"Ahh, thank you!!" he smiled reaching his hand to ruffle my hair.

I smiled slightly, "Yeah yeah.".

We sat there a while in silence as I contemplated the situation... so Jin knew all along huh? He's a good actor... but if Jin knew about me, then he had to have known about Jimin.

"Jin, you knew about Jimin this whole time?" my smile slowly faded.

"Well of course. Jimin and I have known each other for a while. I've helped him out of trouble here and there." he smiled, "I guess you can say we're buddies!".

"So you knew exactly what was going to be on that tape?" in the moment my stomach suddenly flipped. I couldn't believe I had asked that...

"Yeah... about that Hana, I'm sorry I had to show that to you, I knew it must have been upsetting to see." he paused, "I don't know how many times Jimin has tried to not let you see that video, but because the cops were so persistent on having you watch the footage, I had to. I've honestly never seen Jimin more pissed, it was pretty terrifying." he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Bingo... "Jin whose the woman in that video?" my eyes were now glued to him. He has to tell me.

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