Chapter Fifteen

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I returned to the room defeated. I don't understand why I have so much hate towards Tae, but I do. It's weird. Every time I see him my mood instantly shifts to something negative. Ugh!! Why did he have to open his stupid mouth? Does he want to die?

I dragged my feet heading towards the bathroom. I don't understand anything anymore. I thought I had a chance at trying to figure out what everyone's been hiding, but at this point I don't think I'll be able to. I know for a fact no one is going to tell me anything.

I stared off into the mirror just thinking. I just need to clear my mind. Quickly bringing my sleeves up I reached for the sink attempting to wash my face, but I stopped myself. My eyes drifted towards a bruise on my arm... what the? I carefully inspected it. This is new. I began to take off my clothes looking all over to see if I had anymore, there were minor ones but to my surprise there was one on my thigh... but this one was way bigger. It looked almost like the size of a hand.

It must have been from Jimin. The way he was gripping onto me last night was kind of rough.
I chewed on my lower lip just starring at it. From now on if we do any R-rated things I know he'll unintentionally leave bruises behind. His strength is no joke. I turned away and grabbed for my shirt and threw it back on.

"Baby?" I was immediately startled. I pulled my pants up quickly, "What are you doing?" he shot me a confused look.

"Uh, nothing, I was uh- about to take a shower." I smiled trying to act calm.

"By pulling your pants up? " he chuckled, "Hana seriously, what are you doing?" he chuckled again as he walked over reaching for my arm.

Before I could stop him his hand had latched on to my arm, "Ow!" I jumped, startling him.

"What?" he gave me a worried look and retracted his hand.

"It's nothing!" to be honest that seriously hurt, I could tell by just how dark it was that any contact against it would be painful.

"Hana, that's not nothing, you jumped... what's going on, what are you hiding from me?" his smile was now gone, and he was serious. 

"Jimin it's nothing, seriously." I diverted my eyes back to the mirror.

The room fell silent. I can tell from out the corner of my eye Jimin was starring at me.

"Strip..." his command surprised me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Hana take your clothes off... now." he seemed more demanding this time.

"What? No!" I retorted back.

"Hana, I'm not kidding, take your clothes off." he seemed annoyed at this point.

"No!" I yelled, he immediately grabbed for my shirt. We tugged on it back and forth for a while. He can't see! He'll only blame himself, "Jimin stop, let go!" he wouldn't listen. We fought around for a while longer until the shirt tore a bit.

"Stop Hana!" and with a swift motion my shirt was ripped off.

His eyes faltered to my skin, "Hana..." he kept his eyes glued to me.

He looked disgusted, but not with me, with himself, "Is there more?" he sighed deeply, roughly brushing his hands through his hair.

"Well... one more..." I'm scared to show him. This one is way more intense compared to the other one. It's so unappealing. Anyone would see this and think the worst.

"Where is it?" his eyes didn't leave my skin. He seemed to be scanning over it, he was probably getting himself prepared for what he might see next.

"Jimin, it's honestly not that bad..." I was lying, "You don't need to see it..." I chuckled a bit playfully hitting his arm, my eyes drifted down breaking eye contact.

"You're lying to me..." he seemingly followed my eyes down to my pants, "Why are you hiding it if it's not that bad?!" he grabbed for my pants and unbuttoned them.

I grabbed at his hands and didn't let go, "Please Jimin, don't look..." I lowered my head more looking down to the bathroom floor. I could feel my eyes begin to burn a bit.

"Hana... let me see, please." his voice sounded weak.

I let go of his hands and he grabbed for my waist sliding my pants down. I closed my eyes, unintentionally holding my breath. I wasn't sure what his reaction would be, but I knew it wasn't going to be good. I felt his grip loosen and my eyes opened, I watched as he fell to his knees. I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"I'm a fucking monster!" he yelled slamming his fists into the floor, cracking the tile. I was immediately startled.

Over and over again I watched as he slammed his hands into the floor. I was frozen in place. All I could do was watch as the tears continued to fall from my eyes.

"Stop." my voice came out as a whisper and he continued to beat his hands into the floor.

I had zoned out... I couldn't hear it anymore. All I could see was blood, but as much as I called for him to stop, he wouldn't. Repeatedly he continued bashing his hands into the tiles.

That's it, "Stop! You monster!" with that he immediately stopped. He froze. He slowly looked up at me in disbelief. He was rendered speechless. Slowly he raised his head so his eyes could meet mine.

"Wha-what?" his voice cracked.

"You're a monster! Your a freak! What is wrong with you!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs letting everything out, "Why are you doing this to yourself?! Stop it!" I fell to my knees embracing him, "Why?!" my breath hitched, "You can't help it! You're not human, what do you expect? Rainbows and freaking sunshines?! This is life... this is who we are! We're fucking monsters Jimin." suddenly I felt myself becoming light headed. The sight of all the blood made me feel nauseous. I'm used to blood but nothing close to this much. Slowly I felt my self collapse to the floor and just like that it was dark.

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