Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ten minutes felt like an eternity. For some reason I was anxious. I have no idea how dramatic Jimin was. I'm not too sure what to expect. I'm hoping whatever he did is fixable. I genuinely want Jin in my future.

Jimin sat at the large kitchen table tapping his fingers. His tapping was only making me more nervous. He seemed so upset. He seemed lost in thought and distracted.

I couldn't stop staring at him. I've never seen him like this. I've never seen Jimin with such sorrow in his eyes. He really must have messed up. They had to have had such a strong bond for him to be like this. Ugh! He's such an idiot. Stop pushing people away. Let them care for you. Let them be there to help you... why can't you learn?

"Jimin you have to stop pushing people away..." I broke the silence.

"I know... I thought I was doing what was best for both me and you." he stopped tapping his fingers and turned to me, "Hana I don't know what to do, I really messed up." he seemed like he was on the verge of tears as his words came out silent.

I couldn't help but to frown. I'm not sure what to say, so instead I grabbed for his hand and embraced it. Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted us.

"I'll get it. You stay here." I quickly raised from my seat and jogged to the door.

I took a deep breath before I opened it up with a smile, "Jin!" I fell into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Hana." his voice was low.

I looked up to meet his eyes. They were red, almost bloodshot. He must have been crying...

"Jin- you... you were crying?" my heart hurt looking towards the man who always carried a smile on his face.

He stayed silent for a short while, "I'm fine..." no you're not.

I nodded my head and reached for his hands, "Come on, he really wants to talk to you..." I slowly dragged him into the kitchen.

Jimin didn't make eye contact with either of us as we entered. I sat down and patted the chair next to me for Jin to sit, he was now directly across from Jimin but their eyes didn't once meet.

"Jimin..." I called out, but he seemingly ignored me, "Jin?" and with that there was nothing but silence.

You've got to be kidding me. I can tell they're both upset, but come on, do they really want to fix this? Or are they going to sit avoiding eye contact all night...

The silence was driving me crazy... they're so pathetic. They're too afraid to show their damaged egos. Jin for crying like a baby and Jimin for finally admitting and seeing he was being a jackass.

I let the silence sit for one more minute.

I slammed my hand down onto the marble table catching the attention of both gentlemen.

I raised from my chair, "Oh come on! Are you guys serious?!" my eyes scanned over both faces hinting at my annoyance. "Stop this! You're both upset, that's so easy to see! So why won't any of you talk, fix what's broken right now? Jimin fucking admit you were being an ass, and Jin for the love of god, tell him how much he's hurt you! You guys must have had such a great connection for this to hurt so much... why can't you tell each other how you're feeling?" I was hyperventilating by the end of my rant.

My eyes were starting to burn, "You guys are so pathetic." I was about to turn away before both men grabbed at my arms.

"Fine." they spoke in unison.

"Good!" I shook their hands off and sat in my seat as did they, "So speak... now!" I raised my voice.

I looked towards both men, slowly they were starting to make eye contact with each other.

"Jin..." Jimin paused, "I-I regret what I said to you. I was wrong. I called you rude names and I doubted your trust. I'm so sorry. I even kicked you out of Hana's life without her approval. She really loves having you by her side, who am I to take you away from her?" I could see that his eyes glossed over.

"I'm sorry too... I didn't mean to tell her. I knew how heartbroken you were when all of the things with Chae happened. I knew you never wanted to talk about it again... but I caved in to Hana and I told her. I broke our promise, and I damaged your trust. It wasn't my place, but I intervened anyway... I'm sorry." Jin ended up shedding a few more tears.

My heart felt some relief.

"I'm also sorry that I fell for Hana..." I sat straight up as my eyes bulged.

"You what?!" I questioned Jin.

"Hana what I told you at the park... I wasn't joking. I meant it." he smiled slightly, "But don't worry, I'm not trying to steal you from Jimin." he lightly chuckled.

"That man right there is one of the only friends I have, I wouldn't ruin our relationship for anything." he smiled, clearing the last of his tears.

"Agreed... I'm sorry man and you're right, you can't steal her." Jimin raised from his seat and walked around the table to get to Jin.

Watching them hug made me happy again. Though the details weren't 100% spoken about, I can tell they forgive each other. That's all that matters.

I felt warm. I'm happy they patched things up. Everything is starting to fall back into place. All that's really left now is for me to talk to Taehyung. There's clearly a backstory with him and Chae. I have to give him clarity, to relieve him from whatever he's going through.

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