Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"So... how'd it happen?" my curiosity was at its peak. Jin's never told me anything this personal before.

"A car accident." his eyes softened, "One that was caused by my recklessness." he took a deep breath, "We were both under the influence, but I chose to drive. I put my own brother at risk. It was foolish. He still had so much of his life to live. He had started going to university. Even with myself, I still had to start medical school." he sighed, seemingly taking a break from speaking.

"Ahh, I see, but how'd you turn from a car accident?" I raised a brow as I lightly squeezed his hand tighter.

"The car flipped, glass was shattered everywhere. Pools of blood had surrounded us both. To this day I'm not sure who contained what, but our blood mixed with each other's. Well in terms, they had entered our wounds and soaked into our bodies. I thought we were going to die right there. I even remember Jungkook screaming out in pain, him screaming that he couldn't feel his legs...".

I thought I was crazy, but that name sounded so familiar, "Jungkook?" I ceased our walking.

"You guys were admitted to what hospital?!" I spun Jin to face me.

"Uhhh, I'm not too sure... I think it was Jung International." he seemed confused with my sudden interest.

Suddenly flashbacks came back to me.


"Oppa what brings you here?" a curious little girl spoke aloud to the stranger sitting next to her.

"Oppa?" though he seemed appalled by the word, his expressions were calm and peaceful, "You see this?" he asked pointing to the weird chair that was on wheels.

The girl was astounded by the contraption she hadn't seen before, "Woahhhh, it's so cool!! How does it work?" she questioned.

He chuckled, "this seems cool?".

She happily giggled as she nodded her head, "It makes oppa stand out!" she smiled. 

The girl was even more astonished by the smile the man portrayed after hearing such a comment.

"You think so?" he smiled again this time looking down to his wheelchair, "Wanna go for a ride?" he raised his head to the girl and patted his lap.

"Can I?!" she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Hop on." he exclaimed as he raised her up.

The curious little girl had so much fun. She hasn't had this much fun since her Incident months prior.

"Thank you oppa! I should probably get going before the nurse worries about me!" she smiled before waving her hand.

"Hey kid! " the man called out stopping the little girl in her tracks, "What's your name?".

"I'm Hana! What's yours oppa?" she stood playing with the hem of her hospital attire.

"I'm Jungkook! It was nice to meet you. I hope whatever the reason you're here for gets resolved." He smiled.

"Me too! Bye bye now! " the girl walked away.

The man sat staring towards his legs. He wished that was the case.

[End of Flashback]

"I think I've met him..." I snapped back to reality.

"Really? You were admitted at that time?" now Jin's curiosity was at its peak.

"I- well... I suffered head trauma." Jin's expressions changed from curiosity to sympathy.

"I'm so sorry Hana, that must have been hard on you.".

"The trauma wasn't what was hard on me, it was what followed. Maybe I'll tell you, but right now I'd like to not bring it up." I sighed reaching for our hands to re-intertwine them.

"That's fine. I don't want you getting upset." he smiled.

"Well if it really was your Jungkook, how is he?" I treaded lightly as I didn't know If anything would make him feel some type of way.

"If your referring to his legs, he's perfectly fine. Don't forget he's a healthy half immortal. He regained his feelings not too long after. We were both discharged within a week or two. We knew something was up when our gashes and bruises were healing at crazy rates." he chuckled lightly.

"Jungkook thought that he became some kind of superhero before he became some kind of half vampire." he smiled big, "He'd yell, "Hyung!! Hyung!! I magically healed!! Ahahaha!!" he's such a child sometimes." he seemed so genuine when he talked about it.

"Though it may have been hard on you two, I'm glad you have at least some good memories from the experience." I smiled.

"You shouldn't always sit and sulk about the negatives. You should try and always be positive regardless how hopeless things look at that point in time. So Hana don't sulk and worry yourself abut Jimin." he smiled big and spun me around to face what seemed like the front of his house.

My eyes bulged staring at the beautifully structured house sitting in front of me. It wasn't as big as Jimin's but it's designs were captivating.

"This is your place?!" I laughed.

"What? I'm a doctor after all, I make pretty good money." he seemed slightly offended by my remark.

"Well, not necessarily a real doctor... but you're right." I retorted back.


Once inside Jin gave me a quick house tour. He pointed out every room and stated who's was who.

"And this one is yours. There's a bathroom attached to the room. How about you get cleaned up and meet us down for dinner in 30?" he smiled.

"Yeah, no problem. Thank you so much Jin. I'm really thankful." I bowed to him and turned on my heels to walk into the room.

The wallpapers were extremely bland. Easy to tell this house has men living in it. The walls consisted of no decorations whatsoever. I mentally laughed staring at it. They could've done something to it. However, the room itself was decently sized. Not too big and not too small. The bedsheets however took away from the walls as the colors sprawled across the top were various shades of pink. I mentally chuckled again, is this room intended for a girl? I brushed the thought away and walked into the bathroom.

To my surprise it was pretty spacious. The tub even seemed extravagant. Such a complete opposite to the room it was attached to. The bathroom itself could've been its own bedroom. I mentally debated if I wanted to take a shower or if I wanted to take a bath... but then I'd be sitting in my filth, and I was pretty dirty. Shower it is. I quickly turned the faucet on and waited for the water to warm up.

I quickly stripped myself from my dirty clothes. As I was about to step into the shower the bruise on my thigh caught my attention. It's been a while since it happened but it's still so dark. Looking at it I couldn't help but to think of him. I miss him already, so much.

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