Chapter Twenty-Two

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"What are you talking about? " he raised his brow. His eyes were immediately fixated on me.

"I think, well I know I was seeing things over these last few months." thinking back to when I used to see her made my skin crawl. The sight of what I saw was intense to say the least.

"What do you mean?" he put my face in his palms, starring into my eyes.

"I think I've been seeing her..." saying it aloud made me feel strange. I must sound so crazy.

"You've see Chae?!" his brows raised and his eyes bulged a bit.

"I think it's her, but I only ever saw her every now and then, but what I saw was the aftermath of a women beaten mercilessly. She was bruised and battered. I swear I saw the clarity of her blood, the details in her gashes... everything was so profound." I felt a chill run down my spine.

"She was almost unrecognizable when I got to her, but I knew deep down it was her. Jinyoung didn't care for mercy. He always made sure his victims truly suffered." his gaze dropped, watching him I felt my heart sink.

"Well if it's her I had been seeing, then maybe I am truly a reincarnation..." I started fidgeting with my hands and quickly raised from the bed, "She's even spoken to me. She's called me a liar, she's told me she wasn't weak, or that I wasn't weak..." slowly things are making sense, "What if there's some parts of her that are in me? Maybe after all you truly fell for me because I'm practically her... I'm so similar to her after all Jimin." I suddenly felt sick to my stomach again. No matter how I look at it, I can't help but to honestly feel that he's only with me because I remind him of Chae.

"Hana how many times do I have to tell you that I fell for you." he took his finger and pointed towards me, "Who cares if you're a reincarnation? You're still you regardless..." he raised himself from the bed and walked over towards me. "Hana, seriously... I love you. I get you're scared or worried that I'm only with you because of Chae, but I promise you I'm with you because it's you that makes me crazy. It's you that I love more than anything. It's you that makes me feel alive again." he pressed his forehead to mine.

"But, there's no doubt she's apart of me... how can I feel at ease when the woman you used to love so dearly is in me somehow?! I know it seems like I'm rambling on about this, but come on Jimin... In reality I'm her! " my voice got louder by the end of my sentence.

Jimin slapped his hand over my mouth, "Hana, be quiet and just listen. I don't wanna hear you talking back." he left his hand to rest on my mouth, "You have to stop this. Honestly Hana I don't care if you're a reincarnation because regardless I can differentiate between the two of you. I have never once called you Chae even after knowing about this. Over all this time being with you I've never once thought of Chae, I've thought of you Hana." is he telling the truth or is he lying to himself?

He pressed his forehead to mine once more. "This heart that beats inside you is yours, not hers." he took his hand and ran it along my face, "This beautifully sculpted face is yours, not hers." his hand then ran through my hair, "This is yours, not hers." lastly his hands smoothly glided down my body starting from my neck, "This body, it's most definitely yours..." he smirked.

My face heated up pretty quickly. His touch was everything, it made me feel how genuine he was. I really do hope it's genuine as it feels.

"Thank you." I pressed my forehead to his, "I really appreciate it... I love you Park Jimin." I smiled placing a kiss on his lips.

"Believe me, I wouldn't go back and change anything. I've learned so much and more importantly, I've learned to love again. I love you so deeply." he returned the kiss.

After a while he broke off the kiss, "So please stop with this non-sense." he planted a small kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you for telling me everything..." I smiled, resting my head into his chest.

"I'm sorry you went through so much for me to finally tell you. I honestly should have told you when I found out, but I was stupid and selfish." he rested his head upon mine.

The room went quiet for a short while as we just stayed in each other's arms.

"Jimin..." I broke the silence.

"Yeah?" he rested his forehead to mine. 

"What did you say to Jin? And what you said about him, was it true? Was he really just someone who did you favors... nothing more?" I felt myself pout. Jimin doesn't really have friends, and I really liked Jin. Sure he's dumb for what he did, but you can tell he's so genuine and kind-hearted.

"Jimin I really liked having him around. He's so kind... please don't kick him out of our lives." I looked up to meet his gaze.

"Right, I forgot." he looked guilty. He must have forgotten that he even dealt with Jin the way he did.

"I'm sorry about that. That was unfair of me. I owe him a big apology. He's not just someone I use for favors at all, I was just angry that he told you things without my consent.".

I smacked his arm, "Come on Jimin, without your consent? You're not his boss. He's a free man, he can do what he wants." instantly I began fidgeting with my hands, slightly scratching the back of my head, "Anyway, if I wasn't so persistent he wouldn't have even told me anything. He let some minor details slip on accident and I took advantage of the situation. He honestly told me that you should be the one to say it, but because I pushed him to tell me, he did. He instantly felt bad..." I pouted thinking back on it, this is all my fault. 

"So it was because of you... you just have this effect on men Hana, you should be careful or every man would be doing anything for you." he joked, chuckling lightly.

"Jimin! Now is not the time to be joking. I'm being serious. He got scolded by you because of me... he must be so upset. We need to fix this, and now." I crossed my arms, slightly annoyed by his remark. Now is seriously not the time to be joking around like this.

"Fine." he sighed, "I'm calling right now." he took his phone from his pocket.

I watched as Jimin dialed numbers, then pressing the phone to his ears. I can tell even he was on edge a bit, he was nibbling at his bottom lip. Just what exactly did he say?! He seems nervous while waiting for him to answer the phone.

I noticed he let out a sigh of relief as he seemed to have answered, "Jin... let's talk. Please." he seemed a bit desperate. He must have said some really regretful things...

"Thanks, meet Hana and I here in 10..." he smiled slightly as he pressed the end call button.

Jimin's gaze slowly met mine. He can tell I was a bit agitated, but Jimin himself seemed uncomfortable.

"Just what did you say to him??! You seemed nervous... why the hell were you nervous?" I shook my head in disbelief. 

"Hana... I said some really awful things. Thinking back on it they shouldn't have left my mouth, but I was angry. Anger makes you take things sorta far..." he scratched the back of his head.

"I can not believe you are blaming the way you acted on an emotion right now!!" steam practically came from my ears, "Just admit you were being a jerk! Stop putting blame on everything but yourself!" I glared at him.

"Fine! I was being a jackass! You happy?! I'm not proud of it... I already feel so bad!" he whined and with that he walked over to the bed and slammed himself down onto it.

I've never seen him like this. It's kind of amusing... too bad it's a serious situation or I would've busted out into laughter.

"Let's hope he forgives you... I can't wait to hear what you said, you'll sure get a good scolding, but from me..." I rolled my eyes staring down at him.

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