Chapter Thirty-One

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My body failed me. I stood there in the rain, my eyes never once leaving where they were. How could I have been so stupid? I let the one thing I cared for most go because of selfishness. Did she decide she couldn't wait any longer?

As I finally found the energy to leave someone had tapped my shoulder. I slowly gave them my attention, but my eyes widened upon seeing his face, "Hyung?" I couldn't help myself as I lunged at him. Once in his arms I felt myself break.

He placed his hands around my back, "You'll catch a cold standing out here..." he sounded stern but I didn't care. To have him here with me was more important.

Over the last 3 months I've been all alone. He didn't bother to visit me and it really hurt me. He wasn't there by my side when I truly needed him the most like he normally was.

"Hyung..." I broke down into sobs, "Where the hell have you been?!" I couldn't stop myself from cracking as I yelled at him. I continued to bury my head into his chest.

He stayed silent as he stroked my back, "Let's get under something. I don't want to get sick because of your stupidity Jimin." he sighed as he grabbed for my hand rushing us to the nearest cafe.

When we got inside he sat us at a table in the corner, "Jimin..." he sighed out, but I cut him off before he could say anything.

"Your a traitor. You promised you'd never leave me alone, ever. That you'd be there if I needed you, but when I needed you the most you went ghost. You practically vanished without a trace..." I continued to let the tears form in my eyes.

"Jimin... I know what I promised you, but this was something I couldn't intervene with. I can't sit here and tell you how to feel, I can't tell you how to move on, how to mend your broken heart. That's something you'd have to discover for yourself." he rested his face in his palms.

He continued, "I didn't ignore you because I wanted to, I ignored you to give you the space I knew you needed." he removed his hands and sat back.

"How do you know how much space I needed?!" I was furious. How much can he claim to know that I need?! "Screw space Jin, I needed you! I needed you to be there!" my anger got the best of me and I exploded with emotions.

His eyes dropped. He didn't expect such an outburst. That's when my eyes lingered around to see that I've caught the attention of all the customers in the cafe.

"Jimin... how about we go somewhere more private?" Jin spoke out reaching for my hand but I didn't take it.

"I don't want to..." I ignored the longing feeling I had to talk with him.

"Come on Jimin..." he tried one more time to reach his hands out.

I sat there staring at his hand for a while, "Why should I? Why try and talk with me now? I feel more broken than I was months ago... what can there be to fix now?" my heart emulated heart ache again. I'm starting to get annoyed with this feeling.

"Because I know now is the time... you finally decided to move on huh? Your finally taking a step in the direction needed to find yourself back in Hana's arms." he smiled softly, "Please Jimin, just come with me." he tried for the last time as he reached his hand out once more.

I gave up with my resentment. I didn't hate him, I never could. More than anything I needed him. I wanted to talk. I grabbed for his hand and he led me out of the cafe, "Where are we going?" my voice came out almost as a whisper.

"My place. No one should be there at the moment." My mind wondered... Jin's? what if she's there?

That's when my mind went back to the scene I witnessed earlier. She's clearly not. She's out living her life. Without me: smiling again, laughing again... all without me, but that didn't stop me from wondering about her, "How... how is she?" I was hesitant to ask because I know I didn't want to hear the truth, to hear that she may have moved on.

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