Chapter Five

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I woke up to the sound of bird's chirping. It's never really caught my attention before, but why are they so loud? I ignored the thought and slowly lifted myself from the bed. It's been a while since I've been able to sleep for as long as I had and I hadn't even slept for more than three hours.

As I sat there my focus drifted over to Jimin who was, not to my surprise, asleep. Even if I decide to make him breakfast, he's not going to eat it, he doesn't find "mundane" food all that satisfying.

We haven't even eaten out once since we started dating... why am I suddenly rambling about that? I thought I got over it. I changed the subject to try distract myself from what I brought up- forget it. Food, I need food. I'm starving.

I made my way over to the kitchen, suddenly thinking about what had occurred last night. I shook away the thoughts, as it made my skin crawl. I need to stop thinking about it. It's probably just my head playing tricks on me or something. 

I prepped some eggs and as I sat there on the stool waiting for them to cook a bit longer someone had begun knocking on the front door. That's strange, it's 7 a.m. who could possibly be here... now? I quickly dashed over to the stove to turn it off, I didn't want my food to burn.

"I'm coming!" I yelled from the kitchen, carefully taking the food from the stove slowly so I didn't burn myself.

I quickly closed my robe and slowly opened the front door, upon seeing his face I was immediately confused, "Ah, Dr. Kim? How can I help you?" What was he doing here all of a sudden? Did I miss an appointment? Did I have some kind of surprise checkup or something?

"Hello Hana, how are you feeling?" he smiled avoiding my question with his own.

"Um- I'm alright, thanks for asking... What are you doing here?" I repeated my question again, this time hoping to get an answer. His sudden visit was starting to make me feel a bit worried.

"Can I talk with you..." uh oh, what's happening now?

"Yeah sure, make yourself comfortable." I spoke softly, opening the door wider so he could enter.

"Thank you." he bowed, taking his shoes off as he entered the apartment.

I wasn't sure what to do, "Uh-" I need to come up with some kind of small talk, "So would you like breakfast Dr. Kim?" I smiled walking over to the mess on the counter as he took a seat at the table.

"You don't have to address me as Dr." he chuckled slightly, "I'm not here for a work-related issue." he followed his statement with a smile. I felt myself relax after his response, I thought maybe I was dying or something by the way he spoke earlier.

"Right, my apologies Mr. Kim, but then why are you here?" I tried not to sound rude, but there should be no reason for him to be visiting me then. 

"Well Hana, I was truly shocked by how untouched and unharmed you were after your incident. Anyone else in that situation would have had serious bruising or cuts, maybe even some deep wounds, but you? You didn't have a single scratch on you. I watched that footage over and over again, analyzing everything and it's highly impossible that you-" his words echoed in my head, I swallowed hard as a knot formed in my throat.

"What does it matter? I'm fine, aren't I?" I took a deep breath, averting my eyes someplace else.

"Yes, and that's great, but how?" he raised his brow, concerned.

"I don't damage easily." I chuckled softly and turned back to my food, I can't look at him.

"Hana- please, I'm being serious... how is it that you're okay?" his voice came off a bit more demanding. He must have really wanted an answer to his question.

That's it, I've had enough. All these stupid questions... "That's none of your business!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the marble counter slightly cracking it. I stared at the crack in shock, had I really lost my temper like that? I slowly turned to Mr. Kim who now had his mouth shut staring in disbelief.

"I'm sorry- Hana I didn't mean to make you upset." I could tell he was starting to feel nervous, as he began fidgeting with his tie. He looked uncomfortable being around me.

"N-no it's... fine, I don't know what got into me." I let out a slight chuckle. Trying to ease the tension in the room. Somehow I no longer had an appetite. The room was now filled with nothing but silence.

"Ha-" he hesitated a bit before he spoke further, "Hana please, just talk to me. Something isn't right, this isn't normal..." he looked up at me trying to get some kind of reaction out of me. 

"Maybe I was just lucky? I honestly don't know Mr. Kim, I'm sorry..." I avoided his eyes as I threw my food in the trashcan.

"Right." His smile was quick, "Well thank you for your time. Hana if and when you're truly ready to talk, come find me at the hospital."  he bowed again, heading towards the door, waving once and walking out.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. That was close, really close.

"Liar!" That voice- "Liar!" it echoed throughout the kitchen causing me to flinch as a cold breathe once again trickled down my neck.

Not this again. This continues to happen even though the apartment was lit up with plentiful light? Without having to follow the sound of the voice I can already picture her. The image of her terrified me. My body began to shake uncontrollably.

I mentally calmed myself and chose to ignore it as I walked back to my room, not once looking back behind me. Every now and then I heard a faint voice calling out "Liar.", but I chose to act like it was just my imagination. Even though I felt as If I knew better.

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