Chapter Thirty-Nine

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J U N G K O O K  P O V

We sat in silence for a while afterwards. For some reason I couldn't properly digest what he said to me. He's genuine and I truly see now how Hana is so important to him. He isn't him without her. He is who he is today now because of her. I was wrong about him from the beginning.

"I surrender." I spoke aloud keeping my eyes locked to the ground.

"Huh?" he cocked his head to the side.

"I won't take her from you. I can't." I smiled and looked up towards him.

He scoffed, "Not like you could." He chuckled and stood up from his seat, "Seriously though, thank you Jungkook. This whole conversation, thank you. Thank you for hearing me out." he smiled and reached his arm out.

"Friends?" he held his hand out and I did the same.

"Friends." I smiled in return.

"Oppa?! Jungkook?" a females distant shouting interrupted our broment.

Jimin and I followed the voice and there they were, Hana and Jin. We ended up staying put at the park bench we were at as we saw them making their way over.

"What a pleasant surprise... what are you two doing here?" I chuckled lightly.

"Uh..." Jin started to stutter, "W-we came to make sure that you guys weren't killing each other." he scratched the back of his head. Hopefully he realized how ridiculous he sounded...

"Kill each other?" Jimin questioned.

"Yeah? Why the hell would we do that?" I added, "We don't even have that kind of animosity towards each other." I scoffed.

Jimin laughed, "You think we hate each other that much? According to Jungkook "Hate is a strong word, I don't hate you" and I agree. Truth be told I'm appreciative of this guy" I smiled placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Really?" Hana questioned, "Honestly that is really good to hear, I'm actually so relived." her voice started to hitch a bit, "I would never be happy with myself if I knew I caused two of the most important guys in my life to hate each other over me." she spoke quietly. 

"Two?" Jin added, whining.

"Jin... not now." she chuckled lightly before continuing, "I'm truly grateful to have all of you in my life. All of you have a really special place In my heart and I want you guys to know that. Jungkook, I want you to know that though our love for each other won't go further, I will always have that love for you. Please understand. I want this chapter to come to a close and I want to start a fresh one." she wiped the tears she had developed mid speech away and approached me.

I opened my arms out to her and she embraced me, "Ahhhh Hana Kim, My first love. Thank you for teaching me how to smile again. Thank you for having mutual feelings, but thank you for being strong enough to tell me where I fall in your life and where I stand." I stroked her hair, "I couldn't take you away from Jimin, not after what I know now. I know I will always have the chance to find a new love. However, I don't think that the same goes for Jimin. Without you in his life, there is no him." I chuckled. I pulled her from me and smiled, "I love you Hana and I always will, friends?" he smiled.

She kissed me lightly on the cheek, "Thank you Kookie- friends." she embraced me once more.

"Ahhh Hana you've grown so much..." Jin smiled ripping her from me and embracing her, "I love you kiddo." he chuckled. 

Hana chuckled in return, "I love you too Jin and you deserve the biggest thanks in the world. If you didn't take me in when you did, who knows how I would've been. Thanks for being there for me since the beginning. I wouldn't ever want to lose you, never in a million years." she smiled brightly.

I saw Jin shed a tear, "I wouldn't ever want to lose you either Hana." they hugged each other tightly.

J I M I N  P O V

I smiled staring at the scene that unfolded in front of me. That kid is very mature and so understanding. I appreciate him for being the bigger person in this situation. How could I have competed with that? He has the looks, the charm, the heart... He's a good kid. And Jin? He's spent the last few weeks taking care of her, I owe him so much. I'm happy to have ever met him. Happy to call him a friend.

"Jungkook, thank you again. I am forever in your debt." I smiled walking over to pat his shoulder.

"Yeah.. whatever." he smiled bringing me in for a hug.

"Group hug." Hana called out. In a matter of seconds I was surrounded by people who mean something to me. I was surrounded by warmth, warmth that I've been lacking for a while.

Our time together flashed before my eyes, I'm never going to let her slip from my side again. Over the course of our time together she's helped me whip my life into shape again. She's provided me with a source of happiness I had been lacking for years. She's brought me back to the people I almost caused to leave my life due to my own selfishness. She's helped me make a new friend even... the source of the me today is Hana, always and forever will be, even when I didn't completely realize it.

After everyone released each other from the group hug I pulled her to the side and whispered into her ear, "Hana Kim, you are my drug." I smiled into her ear.

She smiled and kissed me, "Park Jimin, you are my amazing boyfriend." she chuckled.

"I'd rather be called something else" this is it... I bent down onto one knee, "How about your amazing fiancé?" he smiled.

The End

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