Chapter Sixteen

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These few weeks have been so hectic, from nearly losing my life to becoming some kind of blood sucking monster. Why did this all have to happen to me? I was living such a normal life... I had accepted what happened to my father, I had finally moved on from all the bad things in my past. Yet why me? Why do I continue to suffer?!

This is all because of Jimin... the tears, the heartbreak- all this damn pain. Yet I can't stay away. I've left everything behind for him: my home, my friends, and even my family, but I just can't leave him...

Fate is so confusing, love is confusing.


"Hana... I'm so sorry." Jimin sat at the edge of his bed staring off at her, "All I ever say to you is sorry- why do you put up with me?"

It's strange... I can hear everything he's saying to me and I'm not even conscious. Is this another one of my capabilities?

"Just leave... stay as far away from me as you can. I'll only ever hurt you." I could hear the pain in his voice. He's hurting so bad. Just as bad as I am. Yet we continue to stay by each other's side...

I felt my eyes slowly open, "You idiot... stop all this nonsense, will you? I'm sick of your apologizes." he looked lost and confused by my sudden response.

"Hana?" he seemed startled.

"Yes, I heard you. Why are you so surprised? I'm a monster after all..." I unknowingly smiled.

Jimin let out a slight smile throwing his head back, "So what you said in the bathroom was only to calm me down? You didn't mean what you said?" he brought his head back down looking towards me for answers.

"No, I meant what I said... you're a freak and you're most definitely a mon-" he cut me off by covering my mouth with his hands.

"Hana..." his expression looked pained, "sto-".

I lightly smacked his hand away "No, you stop and listen to me... I wasn't finished. No matter how truthful that is, I don't care. Like I told you, I don't regret anything." I could feel my eyes burn.

"Why is it that you're so regretful?! Do you regret saving my life?! Do you regret ever meeting me Jimin?!" at this point I was sobbing. He's so mentally exhausting sometimes.

"Of course not... Hana I love you. I would never want anything to ever happen to you. I'm more than grateful I found you that night." he grabbed for my arm pulling me into an embrace.

"Then stop saying stupid, irrational things. Stop making me feel as if you regret all the decisions you've made up till now!" I punched his chest lightly.

"Just let me love you..." I sighed.


I spent the entire day in bed with Jimin just talking. We both are upset with how we handle situations like the ones prior. We only emotionally hurt each other. So we had to set down rules, well more like two. For starters we're no longer allowed to call each other monsters. The word only holds a negative connotation for Jimin, he takes it personally. And the other is no more trying to break up with one another. We're both already so broken, no one else is going to want us at this point. We only have each other.

Jimin clearly came up with the first one, I have no problem with the word. It's just what we are, what else would you call vampire? And I established the second one. I truly feel at this point in my life there's no one else for me besides Jimin. He's the only person I can see myself having a future with. And with all that we pinky promised that we'll never break these rules... hopefully.

"Hana I'm running out, I have some business to worry about." Jimin kissed my forehead and before I could even speak he had hurriedly left me alone in the large room.

What's gotten into him? Business? That's new. I could only chuckle to myself as I pondered what kind of "business" Park Jimin could possibly be talking about. It's not like he has a job or something, well not that I know of at least. And he's not really close with Taehyung from what I can tell, so I know they're not doing anything together. Maybe his dad? Or even Soo-Young? Oh whatever, it's none of my business anyway or he would've told me about it

But now what do I do? I really don't wanna sit in the house all day. That's all I've done since I've gotten here- but my thoughts were interrupted.

Incoming Call...

I stared at the caller ID instantly becoming nauseous. What does he want? After a few rings the call abruptly ended, somehow relieving me. Give up and stop trying to contact me!

New Message
Hana... I know you're there. Just answer the phone.

Why won't this guy quit? Why is he so persistent with me? He's only going to get himself hurt if he keeps digging into my life.

Incoming Call...

I stared off at the phone once again. Something tells me he won't let this go. What happened to be two calls had turned into ten. After a while the ringing only drove me crazy.

"Hana? You answered..." his tone made it seem like he wasn't expecting this.

"Isn't that what you wanted from me? Why are you so surprised?" I scoffed.

He stayed silent for a while before approaching the conversation differently.

"I was so worried... you just vanished without a word... and your apartment? What the hell happened?".

"You were worried? Are you kidding me? You don't even know me... h-how could you have been worried?!".

"Please meet with me, just please finally talk to me... I promise I won't bring up the incident...".

He wants to talk, but not about that? How can I know for sure he isn't just saying that? He's a real weirdo, one who can't mind his own business... thinking about meeting him makes my blood run cold.

"Fine... when and where?" I sighed to myself.

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