Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After my shower I made me way down to the kitchen to meet up with Jin. However, I stumbled upon Jungkook instead. His back was facing me and he was slicing some vegetables, I'm assuming for dinner. I couldn't help but to admire his back. He appeared to be pretty muscular, the definition of his back was on full display by his tank top.

I figured I only looked like a creep just staring so I spoke up, "Hi." my voice almost came out like a whisper making me feel embarrassed.

He whipped his head around quickly, observing me in the quick moment, "Oh hi, you scared me." he chuckled putting the knife down and turning his body to completely face me.

Now that I could see his face, my heart fell to my stomach. It's definitely him...

He walked towards me to shake my hand, "The name is Jungkook, nice to me you." he smiled as he continued to shake my hand.

My mouth stayed gaped staring at him. He must not remember me, well duh. I was 8 then.  Now I'm 21... I'm much older. I've aged and grown into an adult.

"Are you okay? You seem, I don't know, lost? Distracted?" he chuckled retracting his hand from mine.

Just as I was gonna respond Jin came walking in, "So you two met, good." he smiled walking past Jungkook and I, grabbing at the knife to proceed cutting the veggies.

Jungkook turned back to me, "So I never got your name?".

"Do you need to? According to Hana you guys have met before." he chuckled still facing the veggies.

"We have? " his eyes bulged a bit, "I honestly don't think we've met..." he placed his hand to his chin. He was seemingly thinking.

After a while he spoke, "Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met before now... have we?"

I smiled slightly before planting myself at the chair located by the kitchen's island, "Well... " I chuckled recalling the incident, "I was 8 then, how could you? That's more than a decade ago."

His face seemed puzzled, "So we met 10 years ago?".

"About, it's been more like 13..." I smiled.

"Hmmm." was all that could be heard as he followed my lead and sat at the island.

"What was your name again?" he faced me, I seemed to have captured his full attention.

"My name is Hana Kim." I smiled, this time I reached to shake his hand, "When we had met I was in the hospital recovering from brain trauma and a coma..." I titled my head thinking more back on the moment.

"Keep going..." he seemed eager to hear this.

"I was randomly hanging around in the courtyard when I stumbled across a young man in a wheel chair. His attention was focused on his legs. He looked sad now that I think more about it. It looked like he lost a piece of himself..." I sighed.

"Being as I was unknowledgeable, I stupidly told him, "I hope whatever the reason you're here for gets resolved"..." I mentally palmed myself.

His gasp could be heard as I continued, "Before then he sweetly took me on a ride as I sat on his lap. I was very unhappy before that incident. I had lost my father while I had lost a piece of myself. but you were the first person that made me smile after that, so thank you." I smiled.

He seemed speechless, but I'm sure he remembered me now, "You've grown so much! I can't believe it!!" he got up from his seat and grabbed me off of the chair and hugged me tightly, startling me. 

"Jungkook! She can't breathe, let the girl go!" he chuckled.

"Oh I'm sorry!" he dropped me carefully.

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