Chapter Nineteen

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"Hana... I honestly don't know what to tell you. It sucks to see you this upset, but I'm sure you're blowing all of this out of proportion." he got up from the seat and reached out for my arm, "C'mon hun, let's get you home." he projected a smile and I graciously accepted his arm.

The walk home was silent. I couldn't stop thinking about the possible reasons Jimin bothered to save me in the first place. Maybe he truly just wanted to save me. Maybe he just wanted to make sure a repeat of history doesn't pan out. Maybe he actually wanted no emotional involvement with me but because of the past he's had, he couldn't help it.

The first year of our relationship seemed almost so one sided now that I look back on it. He was always so hesitant to go anywhere or even come see me for that matter. He would always make up excuses. We never went out either... slowly it felt as if I was piecing all these moments together to get the bigger picture. Jimin only saved me to correct his wronged past. He didn't intend for any of this to happen.

My thoughts were cut short as we arrived to the house. Jin's facial expressions were enough to tell me he's never seen a place so big.

"You- you live here?!" his jaw dropped staring at the massive home in front of his eyes.

"Yeah... we all do..." I couldn't help but to smile a bit starring at Jin's exaggerative expression.

"Who's we?" he raised his brow. 

"Jimin and I clearly, but this is his family's home." I smiled slightly.

"Woah!! So lucky! I'm jealous! I bet the kitchen In there is massive!!" he chuckled. I think he was attempting to try and make me feel better... I think. However, staring at him I couldn't help to smile and believe he was actually jealous.

"Thank you Jin!" I smiled.

"No problem kiddo." he sheepishly smiled, "Now go in there and find out the truth. If you need to call me later you can." he waved and started to walk away.

In my head I couldn't stop repeating thank you. I think today I'm finally going to get some clarity I deserve. And it's all thanks to Jin.


I took a deep breath before entering the house. This is it. I'm going to get the truth today.

As I entered I was greeted by Soo-Young, "Hana where have you been?! We've been looking for you all morning. You just disappeared without telling anyone..." I can tell she seemed a bit worried.

"I was with a friend, sorry! I should've told you guys I was heading out." I hugged Soo-Young hopefully relieving her, "So where's Jimin?" I looked around at the seemingly empty house.

"Ahhh about that, I think he went out looking for you. He saw that you weren't home and stared flipping out. He's such a drama queen..." she chuckled, "Try calling him? I'm sure once he sees you're the one calling he'll pick up for sure." she smiled.

"Gotcha, thanks." I chuckled thinking of how frantic he could be. He really is a drama queen...

I reached for my phone and dialed his number. As the ringing carried out for what seemed like forever he finally picked up the phone.

"Hana?! Where are you?!" his yelling caused me to jump.

"Calm down, you're going to blow my ear drums." I retracted the phone from my ear and rubbed it.

"Calm down?! Are you kidding me? I come home and you're no where to be found, no one could tell me where you were either!" he seemed frustrated.

"Geez I'm sorry, I was with Jin. I get it, I should've told someone. But I wasn't thinking much about it." I rambled on for a while until he cut me off.

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