Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hearing his words broke me. I know there's a place in his heart for me, but he still hasn't fully healed like he thought he had. He hasn't moved on completely yet. There's still a part of him that aches for her, for her touch. Unfortunately, it's not in reach anymore. It'll never be because she's gone, gone for good.

"Jimin... you need to heal and properly." I picked my head up and grabbed his face in my hands. "Let's break up." before he could manage to say anything I planted a kiss onto his lips, a short one.

As our lips parted I raised from the ground. My intent was to up and leave right away, but Jimin latched onto my arm before I could make my leave. His grip was strong like his life depended on keeping a hold of me no matter what.

"What are you doing?" his voice was low.

"Jimin, please let go." my heart ached.

"Answer me! What are you doing?!" his grip on my hand got even tighter.

My answer came out as a yell, "Jimin I'm letting you heal!" frustration had built up within me, "Did you hear yourself?" I ripped my hand from his, "You're clearly still ridden with guilt and desperation. You're not ready to move on, you never were Jimin." I sighed. 

My eyes started to burn,"I love you more than anything in this world, but can you say the same?" I didn't give him time to answer, "If you love me, you'll let me go. You'll take the time to properly get over Chae." the tears continued to stream, "When you're ready you'll come and find me. I'll even try and find you, but right now you need the time." I gave a broken smile.

"Hana..." his voice was harsh and raspy. He raised his head to reveal fresh new tears... he knew I was right, "Where will you go?" his eyes met mine.

"I won't tell you. I want you to genuinely find me in the end on your own." I averted my eyes. 

"Do you think this is really what's best?".

"Yes. More than anything." I gave a full smile this time. I'm hurting deep down, but this is for the best. I know it is.

With that I faced him for the last time, "Bye Jimin. Stay safe and stay out of harm, please." I kneeled down one last time, planting a kiss on his forehead.

However, by surprise he grabbed me by my collar and kissed me on my lips, the kiss was passionate. The world felt as if it had stopped spinning. After a while he finally released me, "I'm sorry I lied to you again, but thank you Hana... wait for me okay?" he gave a weak smile before averting his gaze back down towards the ground.

I nodded my head, "Of course." I smiled one last time before getting up and walking away.

I couldn't, nor did I want to look back. I'd only run back into his arms, but I can't. My heart felt numb. I've done this so many times already. I've walked away from the person I love the most in this world.

The walk out of the graveyard was slow as I dragged my feet. I felt like collapsing and crying right here, but I kept myself moving, I have to. I had this hope that I finally gotten him to be honest with himself, but I guess he was truly just still lost and confused.

When I made it back Jin was standing there waiting, just as he had promised, "Hana? How'd it go?" he was oblivious to my state as I kept my head down, "Did something bad happen?" he raised his voice a bit. 

I heard his footsteps as he made his way over, "Hey what's-" he took his hand and placed my hair behind my ears, "Hana?!".

"Jin... I know I did the right thing, but why does it hurt so bad?" I spoke quietly as I braced myself into his arms.

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