Chapter Seven

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"Oppa, I'm ready!" I screamed from the bathroom as I slowly walked out smiling from ear to ear. This is one of the only occasions were I've ever put so much effort into getting ready. I feel beautiful.

Jimin's face instantly lit up, "Wow... beautiful- I mean you look beautiful." I grew flustered, I practically rendered him speechless.

I couldn't help but to blush like crazy, "Tha-thank you!" we've been together for almost a year, yet this is our first date, so I'm nervous to say the least.

He gave his dashing, charming smile and reached his hand out for me to grab. He was dressed in a very nice suit, looking like quite an expensive man. I was very impressed. I've never seen him this dressed up before. My heart beat was picking up just staring at him. 

"Let's go, shall we?" he wrapped his hand around my waist as we walked out of the apartment.


The restaurant was very luxurious and it smelled absolutely wonderful, the food has to be made with such quality. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling looked beyond beautiful and it was massive. It made a really nice touch to the modernism of the restaurant. The live music playing was classical and set a very comfortable atmosphere, everything was just so welcoming. I don't remember the last time I've even stepped foot into a restaurant, especially not one this expensive looking.

"Hello, welcome to Acura. I'm your waiter, Kim Namjoon." he smiled revealing the two cutest dimples I've ever seen.

"So cute." Both Jimin and Namjoon turned to look at me and I was immediately flustered. I didn't mean to say that aloud. 

While Namjoon was smiling and thanking me, Jimin was looking at me with anger in his eyes. I looked back at him with regret in mine.

Namjoon cleared his throat, likely to clear the tension, "Well, uh- let's get you guys a table." he smiled leading the way to an open table, "Here you are, I'll be back with the menus momentarily." he smiled once more walking off.

Jimin didn't seem amused. Instead, Jimin went straight to sitting down. He didn't bother to pull my chair out for me. I guess he was pretty mad I just called another man "cute". I awkwardly pulled my chair out and sat. We sat in silence for a while as a waitress came over presenting us with the menus.

"Good evening guys. I'm your waitress, Seulgi." she bowed. She was very, very pretty and had, what looked like a very fit body. I could easily tell by her partly revealing uniform.

"I thought we had a waiter?" I questioned her.

"Ah- Namjoon felt slightly uncomfortable so he sent me over, hope you don't mind." she smiled.

"I see." I finished. 

I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable as her eyes wouldn't leave Jimin's. He just sat there staring back at her. I was starting to feel angry and maybe a hint of jealousy. I just didn't like this exchange of looks.

I cleared my throat getting her attention, "Uh- I'll take wine please..." I shot her a smile and she gave me a snooty, disgusted look but I ignored it. For now. 

"And for you handsome?" she playfully twisted her hair on her fingers and smiled. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Was she flirting with my boyfriend right in front of my face... and was he just going to let it continue?

"I'll take some champagne, the most expensive bottle you have." he smiled winking at her, and she playfully giggled.

"Nice choice." she winked back and turned on her heel to leave.

I can't believe he's doing this right in front of me. I looked at him with disgust in my eyes. I was pissed... oh scratch that, I was wayyyy beyond pissed.

"You might as well fuck her." I shot an annoyed expression his way and turned towards the live music. I rarely use profanity, I've always known that I only resort to using vulgar language when I'm truly upset. And I was.

"Hana..." I turned my head to face him. I wasn't in the mood for his crap, and at this point I didn't even want to sit here and have dinner with him.

"What?!" I made sure I was looking him right in the eyes.

"Why are you so mad? I didn't do anything..." he smirked, giving me an intense glare. You've got to be fucking kidding me... Did he really just say that?

"You're telling me you weren't just flirting with our waitress, while I was right here?" I chuckled in annoyance, scoffing at his remark.

"You just called another man "cute", so weren't you the one flirting?" he shot back, raising up in his chair and bracing his elbows on the table. He stared at me as if he was the superior.

"I didn't say it to his face, one. And two, I didn't even mean to say it out loud..." I was starting to reach my breaking point. The anger and frustration was only rising in me. Why can't he understand I meant nothing by itThat it was just merely a compliment. That he's the only one my eyes are truly ever on...

"Oh yeah right, why don't you just go and ask for his number? Why not let him treat you to dinner instead." right at that moment, that skank of a waitress came back and brought us our drinks.

"Here you go handsome." she smiled handing him the bottle of champagne, while she barely even acknowledged me, placing my drink way in front of me to where I almost couldn't reach.

"Thank you." he spoke reaching for her hand to kiss it. That's it...

I angrily got up causing the chair to fall backward. I picked up my drink and threw it at him, and I hope it got on her too. Jimin had his mouth gaped open, staring with disbelief.

"You're disgusting..." I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the restaurant not looking back.


I made it back to the apartment, locking the door behind me, even locking all the windows. That man was not getting into this house. Over my dead freaking body will he be allowed back in here after tonight.

 I quickly made my way over to the bathroom and stripped myself. I needed a nice shower right now. I steeped into the shower and just stood there as the warm water trickled down my body. Thinking back on the incident only made my skin boil... just to hurt me he'd so easily flirt with any girl? Right in front of me... 

After my shower I quickly threw on a fresh oversized shirt and stormed into our room angrily. I started to pack some of his belongings up into a bag, he's really done it now... 

"Hana?! Open the door." I could hear him banging and screaming from behind the apartment door.

I walked speedily to the door and yelled back, "Go away and stay the hell away from me!" I rolled my eyes. 

"Hana please open the door, let's talk!" he continued to yell.

"Go to hell! Just leave, you're disrupting the neighbors!" I screamed out.

Suddenly a crashing sound echoed through the apartment, what the fuck?! I went to follow the noise as Jimin continued to bang on the door. I swore on everything I locked everything, so what  in the hell was that?!

"Don't make me break this door down!" he continued banging and knocking on the door, and  his knocks were only getting harder and harder. He was desperate, but my attention was now focused on what the hell was in this apartment with me...

Now the lights in the apartment had randomly cut off and I was now sitting in the darkness. I jumped as the darkness had engulfed my sight.

"Hello?" I called out as I began feeling around to see where I was at.

"You're going to suffer..." I could hear a woman's voice, but I didn't know where it was coming from.

I'm scared...

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