Chapter Two

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The flashing of lights had protruded beyond my eyelids causing me to slowly flutter my eyes open. I found myself staring up at a white ceiling, bright lights hovering above my face. It seemed like I was in a hospital room. After the realization I attempted to to speak.

"Where... where am I?" I turned my head looking in all directions to the doctors who appeared frantic. No one even bothered to look at me, "What's going on?!" not one person shot a glance at me. Can't they hear me?!

"She's going into cardiac arrest, we need to move now!" I watched closely as they dragged my body onto a mobile hospital bed, trying to move with lightening speed.

As they were transferring my body I could see Jimin standing in the hallway, his head hanging low and his eyes bloodshot red. Seeing his face, I did what I always do when I'm scared or terrified, I called out to him.

"Jimin what's going on?!" he didn't look at me either. Why is is that no one can hear me?! I was starting to feel worried... this isn't normal. Something isn't right.

As we made it into the next room I can see the doctors scrambling around moving as quickly as possible, "Clear!" I noticed my body jolt upwards... why are they doing this? Can't they see that I'm fine?!

"Clear!" the doctor shouted again, my body jolting once more. The expressions were apparent on their faces made it clear to me.

I had finally realized I wasn't actually moving as I thought I was... but was I dead? I don't want to die... I don't want to leave Jimin. I don't want to leave this world yet. I hadn't even lived most of my life yet, I'm young, too young to go so soon. And to leave Jimin, wouldn't that be unfair to him?

Jimin... help me please. I'm scared! I don't know what's happening. But I know I don't want to leave you all alone on this earth.


I woke up, my breathing was heavy. I began to feel around me. I was afraid I was still in the state I was in earlier... I thought- I thought I was dead, a goner. As I made contact with the things around me I felt a feeling of relief. I slowly sat up, my head pinging slightly. My hospital room was silent. No one was here by my side, not even Jimin.

I felt so empty. Just like that he up and left me here alone? After all that I just went through?! How could he?! I hate y- my thoughts were cut short.

"Don't even say it." I slowly turned as the tears fell from my eyes. Jimin had walked into the room holding flowers and I immediately felt regret in what I was thinking.

"Jimin..." the tears continued to fall from my eyes as I gazed upon his figure coming closer.

"I know you don't mean it, you're just upset." he sat the flowers on the nightstand as he sat next to me on the hospital bed.

"I'm sorry- it's just that when I didn't see you by my side, I thought maybe you had left. I was thinking that maybe you wouldn't have came back, maybe you were done with me..." I spoke slow wiping my tears away.

"I could never..." he kissed my forehead, bringing me into an embrace "I-I thought I had lost you Hana..." I felt my shoulder's dampen. I gripped onto him tighter. We both ended up crying into each other's arms. 

After a while he pulled away forcing my gaze upon his. He still seemed pretty frantic, "If I would have lost you Hana, I wouldn't have known what to do with myself." he kissed me passionately, eventually causing the kiss to grow deeper and deeper.

He gently laid me down on the hospital bed, pulling his lips off of mine and moving down to my jawline. I could feel his face as it was still damp from all his tears. The kisses being planted along my jawline made me feel weak. I let out a slight moan, causing him to smirk along my jaw.

"Ah- Jimin..." I moaned out unintentionally causing a tint of rose to flush across my cheeks.

"Yes baby?" he spoke in a husky voice, making me even weaker.

"L-let's not do this here. We-we're in a hospital- " I was a stuttering mess, but he cut me off by rubbing his finger along my lips.

"Just be quiet, that's all." he attacked my lips once again. I eventually caved into him, returning each and every one of them.

The kisses were sloppy and rough, but it didn't make it any less passionate and meaningful. I must really mean a lot to him. I could feel his passion with everyone he planted on my lips.

"Mrs. Kim-" the doctor called out, causing Jimin and I to stop in our place. I was frozen underneath Jimin's grip. My face immediately flushed a deep shade of red. 

Being caught in the middle of something so intimate was embarrassing. Without thinking I instantly shoved Jimin off of me causing him to fall from the bed.

Jimin's moan of pain echoed in the silent room. I shot up quickly bracing the side of the bed, "Oh my god, baby I'm so sorry!" I cried out watching him lay there on the floor squirming.

After a while of silence the doctor finally said a word, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to interrupt!" he called out almost storming out of the room, but I called out to him and stopped him in his tracks.

I hesitated a bit after he turned back to face me, "No it's okay, you can come back. It clearly must be important for you to talk with me, right?" I let out a nervous chuckle, crawling off my bed to approach the man, no longer paying attention to Jimin. The doctor appeared not much older than me, he had a young face, maybe mid 20's? Impressive to see a doctor this young...

"Ah yes..." he gulped adjusting his tie as an awkward tension filled the air, "Well Mrs. Kim-" he cleared his throat and continued, "Miraculously you are in no sign of threat. Your vitals are clear and you have not one broken bone. I have no idea how this is scientifically possible as I've seen the footage from last nights events-" my heart dropped at the sound of his words, he kept talking but I wasn't listening anymore. I couldn't stop repeating what he said in my head.

"Footage? What footage?!" my mind was bombarded with thoughts of what had happened. Everything that took place last night were- unnatural...

"Well the building you were found near last night had security camera's-" I cut him off.

"What did you see?!" I was afraid at the thought of what was on that tape. If Jimin and Jinyoung were seen as they were- Jimin could get taken away from me, or-or worse... killed.

"Well- you were mugged last night Mrs. Kim, don't you remember?" he scratched the back of his head.

"What do you mean mugged?" I looked into his eyes genuinely confused by his words.

"Well Mrs. Kim would you like to see the footage? That might explain the situation better." I instantly nodded my head, "Well then, follow me please." he spoke as he began to walk out of the room.

I called out to Jimin, "Don't move, I'll be right back!" my voice cracked from my uneasiness.

I have no idea what's about to be on that tape, but I'm praying by some chance it isn't going to be what actually happened last night. Please...

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