~Chapter 1~

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"I don't see why you like that guy.. he keeps breaking your heart, yet you stick to him?"  You mumbled, biting onto your sandwich with a conflicted stare. The breeze gently swayed the trees near you, as you and your friend were sitting on a bench, in a park. 

(F/n) sighed, rolling her eyes at you, before slurping onto her sterilized milk. "You just don't get love.. I guess." She responded, to which you replied with silence. Sure, you've never truly loved before, but you still had crushes and all those stuffs, so you know how it feels. Minus the pain and sadness part.

The two of you kept eating silently, with you staring at the grass that seemed too dry for your liking. (F/n) looked up to the sky with a thoughtful expression. You examined how her black, round glasses suit her face, and how her short, brown hair sticked on her neck.

The silence was comfortable, as the warm presence replaced all of the talks you guys was supposed to have.

"You know, now that I think about it, bad things keep happening to me. It's like I have bad luck or something." (F/n) started the convo once again, but she didn't look like she expected you to answer.

"No, the reason you have bad luck is because you're a dumbass."

After a couple of minutes, you snapped out of your grass criticizing when you noticed something.. swirling? Right in front of you, there seemed to be some whirlwind that gathered at the bottom of your feet, ripping off some of the grass there.

You blinked, before nudging your friend, who glanced at you with her tired eyes. "What?" She asked, biting onto her straw and munching on them.

"I don't know if I'm hallucinating but you're my friend who says blunt stuffs, so please tell me I'm just hallucinating." You tugged her arm, pointing at the swirling thing below. She looked at it, and surprisingly, let out a cute squeal that somehow sounded cute but ear piercing at the same time.

"What the hell is that?! Why are you standing in it?!" She asked, moving away from you and raising her milk carton above her head. You glared at her actions, thinking all she cares is about the milk and not about this mystery.

"I don't know, but according to some adventure stories I've read..-" your eyes widened, before looking down again and staring at the thing that was beginning to expand. It could be a portal to some dimension! I mean, due to the weird stuffs that happened to your friend's life, you doubt it's anything out of the ordinary.

"Woah.." You muttered, getting near it. It was calling out to you, displaying dusts that flew around like sparkles. "Don't! You idiot! What if it sucks you in?" (F/n) exclaimed, holding you back, and tugging you away from the bench. She started spouting about rules and what to do when these stuffs happen, but you paid no mind to it.

You stared at the 'portal', before noticing an enormous hand emerging from it. When it completed itself, you interrupted your friend's rambling, pointing at the thing with shock, evident to your face.

(F/n)'s followed where you were pointing at, but before she could utter a reply, it advanced towards the two of you.

The two of you screamed, running away together, but not before tripping to each other's feet. (F/n) screamed, not looking back to take a look at it, but you kept looking behind you, checking if it's still following you. And it is.

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