~Chapter 7~

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"Well, asking a gluttonous fucker like me for an advice, that is a bad idea," you said.

Kiku was taken aback by your words, before looking down at the floor in shame. "Even (L/n)-san thinks it's hopeless.." he said every word with a hint of guilt.

You shook your head. It was quite the opposite, if your conscience says so. "Actually, I know a solution." Kiku's eyes lit up, although it was still a dull shade of brown. "You do?"

You nodded. You were going to regret doing this, but you'll be temporary happy, so it's an okay situation.

The front door suddenly opened, and a whining Italian came out, along with the German that was reprimanding the said Italian. You turned around and peeked from behind the kitchen's entrance door, seeing the two of them.

"Japaaaaan! Are you done yet? It's been a minute already!" Feliciano whined, his eyes closed and his mouth curled downward as a pout.

"Your patience is so thin! It has been a minute, learn to wait!" Ludwig scolded the Italian, who wandered aimlessly around the house, looking for a certain Japanese man.

You tilted your head. Japan? You've heard them refer to each other as their country names back then, but you didn't know that they really stuck on calling each other by their respective countries. Kiku, who's beside you, flinched as he heard the soprano-like voice Feliciano had. He turned towards the entrance to the kitchen, sweating in panic.

"We're not in the kitchen!" he said, making you facepalm. "Don't come in here," and ended with a 'please' in his own language. Hiding from someone wasn't that easy, you said to Kiku telepathically.

"Oh! He said he's not in the kitchen. Let's search his room, then!" Feliciano cheered, about to skip towards Kiku's room, but Ludwig held Feliciano's collar and stopped him from wandering once again. "He's in the kitchen, you dimwit!" Ludwig sighed exasperatedly. You can hear the exhaustion in his sigh.

Feliciano looked shocked at what Ludwig said. It was probably because of the sudden insult that the German said. "Eh?! But Japan's voice said it, so I believe it! Don't you believe it too?"

Ludwig sighed. Nevermind, it wasn't about the insult. "You know what? Let's just go to the kitchen." Ludwig didn't have to drag Feliciano by the collar, since the latter started skipping towards the kitchen and humming a tune.

"I'm going to make a pasta~ for Germany and Japan~," Feliciano continued humming, walking near the kitchen entrance.

You backed away and finished your spying of whom the intruders were, before staring at Kiku who was darting his head around in panic. "I can't ret them see this!" Kiku said, letting his accent loose and audible.

You placed a hand to your hips. "It's not that bad, don't worry." Your reassurement was met with a doubtful look from the Japanese man. Before he could open his mouth to respond, Feliciano walked inside the room in a calm way, with Ludwig following behind him.

Feliciano looked around, before opening his eyes in stupor. "Ehh?!? Food?!?"

Ludwig was also taken back by the sight before him. "Why are there so many sweets?! This is unhealthy!"

Oh, I haven't told you what Kiku was gushing and panicking about, have I? Like Ludwig and Feliciano said, it was food and sweets. After going home, leaving Yong Soo and Matthew's house, you heard crumpling of wrappers and mutters inside the kitchen, which made you check it out. But the only thing you saw was the hoard of candies and sweets next to a Japanese man who looked at you in dread and shame. He asked you to keep it a secret and an advice, which led to the start of this chaos.

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