~Chapter 15~

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"Finally, a day with some peace—" you stretched, "—and silence," you yawned, as you sat down on the couch with a relieved sigh. You sat still there, staring at the floor while making no movements or noise.

It was Sunday morning. You still wanted to sleep due to the rare occurrence of peacefulness in the house. Yong Soo was out somewhere pestering Matthew or other people. Leon had an important meeting (you really wondered how old he was but he didn't wanna tell you). Kiku was on his usual training with Ludwig and Feliciano. And Yao..

Yao was arranging the neccessities for (F/n)'s stay in China.

A week passed by, and the meeting that you had with Vladimir and the others felt like a distant memory now.

The agreement was that: you and (F/n) will live in Yao's house for a while until the new house he's planning to build is finished. While that didn't sit too well in your best friend's kind heart.. you were a little bit excited..

Alright, that was an understatement. Yao was offering you guys a free house and lot! Who wouldn't be excited? Guess being a fictional character with die-hard fans is great.

However, your mind couldn't help but thread to a thought. What will happen when (F/n)'s here? Surely the house will liven up even more, and more pranks will be done by either you two or her and Yong Soo..

But somehow, you wanted to keep it this way. No added household members.. just the people here, and you, spending everyday together. Without anyone joining—..

"What the fuck am I thinking?" you breathed out sharply, clutching onto your hair in frustration. How selfish are you for even thinking like that? Were the years that you and (F/n) went through together worth nothing to you at all? Are you really her best friend, for even thinking like this? How toxic, you thought while clenching your teeth.

You didn't know how long you had been spacing out, but you snapped out of your horrifying, and self-deprecating, thoughts at the sound of your phone ringing.

Lazily bringing it out, you blinked at the unknown number that was calling you. Was this Yao? You kept forgetting to save their numbers, so now you were left guessing who's calling you at this hour. Well, it does keep your boredom at bay.

You answered the call, bringing it to your ear. "Hello?"

"Mon cherie." You heard a familiar sigh and accent, making you smile. "How have you been these past few days?"

"Hey, Francis," you grinned despite him not seeing you. Hopefully you'll remember to save his number with a nickname at least. "Been doing great, thanks. How about you?"

"I wish I could say the same for me, but  work is pretty much stressing me out. Well, that, and a certain black sheep of Europe." You chuckled, not really knowing who he's referring to. "But enough about that, are you free next week?"

You hummed, not expecting him to ask you out. "Of course, Francy poo~ I'm actually free right now as well. Everyone's out and I'm so bored right now." You told yourself earlier that you liked the rare silence in the house, but it felt so weird to just stare at the floor until someone comes home

Well, you've done that before and sometimes you considered it as entertaining, but right now? You just wanted someone's company.

Francis huffed in amusement. "I wish I could just ditch this work and accompany a fleur like you. But I'm afraid my only free time is next week."

"Oh, then you should go spend it with your family or something," you said, worried at how busy he was.

"Nonsense! I want to spend a whole day with you, hm?"

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