-Halloween Special 1/3-

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A/n: hey guys! this is a halloween special (duh) to apologize for my confusing schedule of updates:D and bcs i was inspired and wanted to write more lmao but ye. you guys may get an idea on how reader will be with the other characters, too (but i wont spoil how they met you okay). this will be in parts, considering it is going to be a long one. hope you guys don't mind!


"Come on, drip that blood smoothly and out of your body, baby."

He shuffled nervously. "Stop that. You're starting to freak me out."

"I've heard that your blood can gush out if you're freaked out so- freak out more for me."

Yong Soo snatched his hand away from you, frowning and narrowing his eyes. "Hey! Stop saying scary stuffs!" He whined, but you only laughed. "You said you're going to help me, why are you not doing anything? If Matthew finds out about this.." he groaned.

Scoffing, you sat down forcefully onto the grass. "And I am helping you. Besides, I made a deal, didn't I?" you crossed your arms in front of you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "You're bleeding already anyways, so why not make this Halloween more freaky and weird?"

Yong Soo sighed, still holding his bleeding hand. He was an idiot anyways, whatever he did.

Matthew invited you to their apartment, for some 'scariest house competition', as Alfred said it. 'Cause Yao didn't like anyone messing up his house and making it dirty with cobwebs and other designs, so Matthew thought you would like to join, still.

And there, you three worked on different things. Matthew cooked some tasty snacks suited for autumn, while you decorated the front lawn. Yong Soo dealt with the pumpkins and its scary face.. but when you tried to see how he was doing.. You found him crouching in their backyard, muttering and panicking while saying some things you couldn't hear. Then you saw blood on his hands, and a bloody shear on his side. He refused to tell you what he did to get that injury, but you panicked as well. Then an idea struck you. And.. it lead to this.

Somehow, Yong Soo is always suffering whenever he's with you.

"It hurts though.." he muttered, pouting at your direction.

"Not my fault you weren't being careful," you said, shrugging and holding out your hand. "Come on, let me see that again."

Yong Soo narrowed his eyes further, making your eyes twitch. "What?" you asked, and it only made Yong Soo's frown deepen.

"What do you mean what."

"What I mean is 'what'?"

"I'm going to die out of blood loss because of you!"

"It's Halloween! You'll help with the props if that happens!" Then his eyes widened in horror, and he began shaking you. "NO! STOP SAYING THAT!"

"What's happening here?" Matthew came out from the backdoor, his head tilted to the sight of you and Yong Soo being horrified at each other.. well, it was mostly Yong Soo horrified at you, while you only looked mischievously lazy. Then his eyes widened when he saw something red on the carved, evil pumpkin. "Wait.. is that-"

Yong Soo's head darted quickly to the Canadian wearing a cute, maple design gloves. "Matthew, help! I thought (Y/n) would help me but she's going to kill me!"

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