~Chapter 10~

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a/n: hey guys! this is a really late upload, but that's because i was requested to join a journalism group, and we trained and trained for a competition, so im really sorry:(( to compensate for the lack of updates, I made this one really long!:)) also, i tried drawing Leon.. i tried okay hahaha. and since im learning how to draw digitally (by my fingers) in ibispaint, i will put some drawings of the characters from time to time:) hope you guys dont mind!


Leon slammed the door open. "I told you she got lost. This girl has no sense of direction, like obviously." His voice raised up monotonously, but you could still see and hear his flustered emotions from your teasing.

This time, you were the one flustered. "What do you mean?! I'm good at directions! I just got lost one time, no biggie."

"More like two times."

"Make it three." Yong Soo piped out of the hallway, deadpanning as he saw you and Leon.

"When did that third time happened?!"

"When you were exploring this house. You were trying to find the bathroom, and you ended up going to my room."

"Your room looks like a bathroom, Yong Soo," Leon drawled out, which made the Korean choke on his breath.


"Yes, Yong Soo, your room looks like a bathroom-.."

Then your eyes widened, before grinning and sprinting towards the Korean, who laughed waited for you to glomp him.

"Yong Soo!! You're still here! And you're alive! " you hugged the Korean tightly. 

 Yong Soo ruffled your hair with the same grin you were giving to him. "I'm packing up my things! Aniki won't mind if I stay for a while now, would he?"

Your shoulders drooped and disappointment rose in you. You looked up at him. "So you're still leaving?"

Yong Soo nodded, a sad smile plastered on his face. "Well, I would want to stay, really! But Matthew has no roommate if I stayed, and Aniki really want me to go now.. but don't worry! I'll visit from time to time! Also, Mei baked you a cupcake when she went back home." Yong Soo added happily, noticing your sulking form.

"Wah! Mei's cupcake!?" Your eyes almost burnt from how much light it had. "Just for me?!!"

"I will worry if you visit from time to time," Leon drawled out behind you. "And go pack already. You two are in my way."

You pouted, still hugging the Korean. "Leon, when you're jealous, you're so rude."

Leon rolled his eyes at you before pushing you two away and walking towards the living room in silence.

You laughed at his response, before letting go of the Korean who was whining about liking your hugs.

"What did you mean by being jealous? Leon?" Yong Soo stopped his whining when he processed your words.

"Yeah, Leon was really jealous when he saw me with Francis. You should have seen his face! He was so scarily cute, glaring at him like that!" you cooed, making you hear a 'shut up' from the living room.

Then, as if a flash of lightning striked in his eyes, Yong Soo stared at you dully. "With Francis?"

You nodded, pursing your lips in thought as you notice Yong Soo's eyes narrowed. "Yeah.. is something wrong?"

With his lips forming a straight line, Yong Soo nodded. "Yes. It's Francis."


"He's one of the most popular guys out of all of us. And we are like a hundred or so."

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