~Chapter 4~

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You twirled and checked out your current outfit in front of a mirror. You were wearing almost an identical outfit that Leon had earlier. But the only difference was...

"This suits me more than it suits you," you proudly said.

"Wow, self-esteem. Goals," Yong Soo commented. He was now wearing a snoop dog shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. He still looks like a celebrity- which you told him directly, and that received a sheepish but teasing laughter from the korean.

"Well, if we ignore the fact that you're the one that, like, wearing it, then yes." Leon replied jokingly. He wore a loose, red hoodie with a pair of black trousers. Although that outfit is casual, he still looked dashing. You almost felt insecure around them, cause you were surrounded by beautiful men.

"How rude." You playfully glared at Leon, who was typing on his phone. A small smirk was decorated on his face.

"Yong Soo, attack!" You huffed in blithe, pointing towards Leon. Yong Soo laughed at your exclamation, before sitting down on the sofa. "Nu-uh! After what you did earlier, I won't help you."

You released a large puff of air, as you sat next to the Korean. "Nah, it's your fault. You deserved that."

"Actually, Yong Soo, you really deserved that." Leon interrupted, sitting right next to you.

"What?! You two always go against me," Yong Soo complained.

What did you guys mean by that? Well, it all started when the three of you ate everything up. Of course, the three of you did the dishes. And, well, that's where it started.

You splashed Yong Soo while narrowing your eyes at him. "Scrape the goddamn plate off before you put it into the sink! It's so damn disgusting to touch those squishy leftovers." You scolded the Korean, who laughed at your way of scolding him.

"Alright, alright! Mianhae. I'll do exactly just that," Yong Soo replied, which made you huff in triumph, before resuming on scrubbing the plate clean. Leon was silently doing the same thing next to you, but he was drying the plate. You were the one who's scrubbing the plate with soap, while Yong Soo gives you a plate to clean, and Leon was the one who's drying the plates and putting them back. Pretty great plan, if you ask yourself.

You gasped when you felt the cold sensation from the water. You twitched from being wet, but Yong Soo was laughing next to you.

"Haha- you should have seen your- Oh!" Yong Soo was busy trying to balance himself from laughing too hard, to notice you grabbing a cup and filling it with water.

"Oh, prepare to drown." You stated, before splashing him the water that was held in the cup.

Yong Soo lets out a screech, backing away and almost tripping. "Hey! That's unfair!"

You simply gave him a sly smile. "You're unfair," you said, humming and going back to work.

Yong Soo mumbled something in Korean, which you couldn't understand, but you saw him grab a cup from your peripheral vision. But before he could splash you, you ducked.

"Hah! You missed!" You taunted, sending him a playful wink.

Yong Soo pouted, but before he could fire again, a towel was thrown into his face. You turned towards the source, and when you did, you snickered.

"Yong Soo.." Leon mumbled monotonously. He was almost scary, but the situation was entertaining to you. His brown eyes were dark and murderous. "Well, this is all yours," You stated, hiding behind the Korean.

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