-Halloween Special 3/3-

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A/n: Finally, Author is back! Honestly, everything in my life is not going too well, that's why I lost motivation on updating this on Halloween. Life became shittier and shittier as 2019 continued, but then 2020? It's much more shittier.

I hope you guys are safe from the COVID situation, since author is also looking out for herself considering I've been hospitalized many times during the first month of January. As a compensation, here is an extremely, super freaking long chapter for you guys. Thank you so much for those who waited! Even though life is not going well for me, Hetalia will always be my one source of happiness, and I will never drop this book, no matter how shitty life becomes.


"How idiotic! I knew you were capable of doing stupid things but that was beyond stupid!"

"Tch! I have no time for your nonsense babblings, Angleterre. My hair is a mess, and I am covered in filth!"

"And who do you think is at fault? You! Who in the bloody hell thought it would be a good idea to put a potion inside a microwave?!"

Francis ignored the fuming Englishman, and continued on running his slim fingers on his soot covered blond hair. "You know." He raised a brow at Arthur. "Instead of complaining like the runny tongue you always are, why not try to find the others?"

Arthur's face turned even more red, and Francis knew he was annoyed. But even in these dire situations.. he certainly liked seeing that annoyed and angry face of the thick-eyebrowed gentleman.

"I was about to, but you blew up the number one solution to this mess!" Arthur twitched, and growled, watching how the Frenchman was just smirking at him.

"Well you can certainly make a new one, hm?"

"Oh yes, you bloody idiot. I can just waltz back into the party where possible serial killers are lurking and try to make a new potion that will save the day, whoopee!"

"See, it's not that hard to be optimistic."

"Drown in hell, you frog."

Francis chuckled, before staring at the forest with an inquisitive look. "Still, do you believe Yong Soo's words about our counterparts being here?" he mumbled silently, making Arthur's scowl soften into a frown.

"I don't know. I thought we closed the portal already, but there's no absolute way that this is just a coincidence," Arthur said. "And you know how my counterpart is obsessed with new people.." he growled. "He must have heard of us summoning (F/n) and (Y/n). He's the only one capable of opening it once again. Romania's counterpart is a dolt, while Norway's just.. doesn't care."

Francis was about to retort once again, but a scream tore through the air. It was a girlish scream.

"W-what was that?" Arthur looked back into the forest, narrowing his thick eyebrows. Francis did the same thing, cautiously looking behind them.

"I don't know, but I don't like it either, Angleterre."

The screaming continued, and the two looked at each other, nodding in agreement to check it out. But then a familiar blond with glasses was running towards them, face pale and hands in the air.


You would figure that it would be a girl who was letting out that blood curling scream but.. here he was. Alfred F. Jones, not even hiding the fact that he's a girl.

Alfred's eyes flickered to where the two were standing, and suddenly, a smile widened on his face. "England! France!" He cried out, sprinting full speed to where the two were.

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