~Chapter 16~

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Sure, you didn't get any chance to talk to your best friend last time when you two met at a conference meeting. But this time, she's living with you on the same house, maybe you can catch up with her?

No. It was actually the opposite.

You grumbled silently, raising your foot up on the sofa. Yong Soo has been hogging (F/n)'s attention for the past few days now. Ever since she came here, you had so much plans to do alongside her, like how you'd been spending time with the others at this house. But it seemed so impossible whenever Yong Soo interrupts you two and directs her attention away.

"I see.." A voice sighs from the other side of the phone. Although you can't see it, you can hear how he smiles in pity as you grumbled your problems.

"Why not try telling Yong Soo that you want to spend time with (F/n)?" Matthew, the one you were talking to in the phone, asked. But you just huffed.

"I already did. He was apologetic at first, but (F/n) fell for Yong Soo's puppy eyes." And it was true. Yong Soo said sorry a lot of times,  but then (F/n) would always feel bad, so she changes the subject and then it ends up with the two chattering and planning so much things everyday. You gave up after two tries. 

"I-I see.. Sounds like those two have a short attention span.."

"Well, it's fine with me," Lies. "But I just don't know what I'd do these past few days. Francis asked me out next week. Leon, Kiku, and Yao are all busy. Hey, you busy too, Mattie? Can I come over there?"

"Ah.. unfortunately, I'm also busy.. I wish I could make up a time for you, but my boss really need these papers now.." 

Your shoulders droop. Guess you'll just wait for that 'next week' date with Francis, you thought with a sigh. "I-I'll make sure to tell you when I'm free, though!" 

"Oh, thank you, Maple boy." You grinned at his concern. "This is why I love ya!" 

You heard choking noises from the other side of the phone, which made you worry as to what was happening from the other side of the phone. "Mattie? You okay?" you asked, frowning as Matthew stuttered a response.

"A-ah, yes! I-I..! The papers! I forgot I need to sign them a-all up until 8 A.M this day!" 

"What? But it's—"

"I gotta go now, thank you for your time!" 

And then he ended the call. You blinked in confusion as you heard the beeping noises from your phone. To say you weren't disappointed would be a lie. You somehow thought, or hoped, that Matthew will talk to you up until Leon comes so you can do something in this house. But it seems that Matthew was still busy.. 

Although, there was something in his words that bothered you..

"It's 9:30 already.." you muttered, deadpanning at the time stamp on your phone. You were pretty sure it's not advanced, nor was it late.. 

"(Y/n)! There you are!" 

And before you knew it, an adorable-looking Korean sat down in front of you with an enormous grin on his face. It was contagious, you couldn't help but smile as you raised an eyebrow at his enthusiasm.

"What happened?" You asked, and seeing Yong Soo's eyes lit up at your question made your eyes soften.

"I finally talked to Emil!" he gushed. "Everyone keep saying he knows a lot about your show, but I didn't know he knew that much! I got so many tips from him, do you think it'll work?"

You squinted your eyes as Yong Soo held his phone in his hands. Does this boy really like Emil that much? And what did he meant by the show?

Then his eyes widened, and he stopped scrolling through his phone to grin and shove it to your hands. "Look! What do you think? Are these all real?!"

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