~Chapter 14~

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"Where are we going?"

"Shush! If I tell you, it's not a surprise anymore."

Yao sighed and smiled at your attempts on making it mysterious. You knew that Yao is very, almost impossibly, knowledgeable about the whole town here. But you still wanted to surprise him by taking him somewhere that you saw while you were out strolling.

"Ta-da!" You halted and motioned at the place in front of you.

Yao deadpanned. ".. are you always that hungry?"

You grimaced at his question, before pouting. "Hey! I wanted to try eating outside too!" But then you chuckled. "But I'm real hungry right now. So let's go! "

"Then I could have cooked you something when we were at home!"

You ignored the protesting Yao by pushing him inside the restaurant that you brought him.

Yao was pouting the whole time, most likely upset that you'd rather eat outside than eat what he cooked. Although it was making you feel guilty, you just couldn't help but grin when he gave in and let you buy a few dish.

Yao looked at the food in front of him with narrowed eyes, before looking up to see you munching on this happily. He wasn't underestimating the restaurants in his country nor the chefs in his country at all, no, no! He takes pride in their skills! But he liked seeing your joy-filled smile when you're interacting with what he's done for you, so it was a bit upsetting for him.

Noticing Yao staring at the food sulkily, you gulped down the food that you were munching, before motioning to him. "You goin' to eat that?"

"Hm? Of course, I spent my money on it after all."

"..I legit thought you were going to offer me more."

"I will offer you more when we get home."

You chuckled as Yao tried eating calmly. The aura he was releasing was very obvious, but there was a reason as to why you invited him out, of course.

"I hope I didn't accidentally invited you when you were busy," you began, making him look at you and smile.

"No worries," Yao said. "If it's for you, I would put down any business I have just so I could spend time with you."

You sweatdropped at his answer. "That's—that's an idiotic move. Don't do that.."

Yao chuckled, gracefully eating with his chopsticks. "It's no problem, aru. I work too hard for centuries now, they actually banned me from going to the office last last year ago. Aiyah! Can you believe that? They were worried cause apparently I always work too much for their liking."

You listened intently, nodding as Yao began telling a story from his childhood, how his nainai told him to always be diligent and hardworking so it'll pay off in the end, and how he met a few people in the past that gave him wisdom and whatnot. It was honestly endearing to watch his eyes light up as he talked about his childhood.  And how his proud grin made the restaurant livelier than earlier.

"He's also the one who told me of this certain myth, and—.. " His grin suddenly faltered, halting himself from talking further. You blinked in confusion.

"What's wrong?" you asked, raising a brow at his sudden stop. You were actually getting curious at this myth that he was talking about.

Yao stared at you for a moment, before sighing and smiling bitterly at the food. "Here I go again, saying things that millenials don't care about."

Your eyes widened at what he said. "What? Yao, that's not—"

"It's alright, I don't quite understand why people don't care about culture anymore. It's confusing, but I don't want to bore you with my talks." He interrupted you with a deprecating chuckle.

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