~Chapter 11~

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a/n: and now, a drawing of my most loved, and favourite, and really really loved character in hetalia: ROMANO! i promise you guys almost everyone who i can put until the plot thickens will be spending time w reader:< if you're curious where this is all happening in china- well, that's secret! you'll find out where china lives after all ;) 


You continued on walking, the mischievous smile on your face faltering as your thoughts raced through your head.

You've always heard those country names, and how you sometimes caught others calling themselves like that. Those names has been there since you and (F/n) came into this world, and yet something still feels off about it. You thought maybe that was just nicknames because they were too many, and their names were too difficult to remember.. but with your encounter with Vladimir, or 'Romania', your curiosity were now out of your hold.

You want to know what that mean. You want to know why their forehead would always drip sweat when someone says a country name. You want to know why they would stutter and say something different instead whenever they slipped on their words. You wanted to know so badly.


You snapped out of your daze (which you seemed to be doing a lot of times now in this world) And a smile replaced the frown on your face from who was in front of you.

"Kiku! How's it been, man?" You grinned, skipping next to the Japanese man who was wearing a red, sports outfit. He sweatdropped at you. "You are really reminding me of Alfred.." he muttered, making you tilt your head.

"What? Sorry I didn't hear," you furrowed your eyebrows with a sheepish smile. "What did you say again?"

Kiku shook his head, his cheeks becoming tinted pink, yet he still remained his stoic facade. "No, it's nothing. What brings you here?"

You shrugged, "Oh, I don't know, I kind of forgot because there was a creepy guy who talked to me."

The Japanese boy looked shocked and confused at your statement. "Creepy guy..? A-are you alright, (Y/n)-san? Did they do anything to harm you? I would call the cops or just Yao, if you'd like. Surely he wouldn't let this go easily," Kiku rambled as he brought out a cellphone to contact Yao, but you hushed him.

"No need to do that, Kiku! I'm fine! He's someone who you guys know." You smiled at Kiku, but underneath that smile, you still doubted if that Vladimir was really related to these people. What? You need to at least have cautiousness, people! 

Kiku looked troubled and bewildered for a split second, before hesitantly lowering his phone down. "I-is that so?" He blinked a couple of times, tilting his head at her. "Might I ask who he is?" 

You chuckled nervously, before scratching your cheeks. "Well.." As if a light bulb appeared on your head, you suddenly remembered the reason why you were going in this park. "Oh! Right! Here you go, Yao made me brought this for you and your friends." You grinned and raised the hand that held the bag of lunchboxes. 

Kiku nodded, taking a hold of it. "It's still hot.. thank you, (Y/n)-san." Although a normal person couldn't see it, the small, microscopic smile on his face was enough to make your grin widen. 

"No problem! Just.." you looked around and puffed your cheeks. "Just let me get one more bite, okay?" 

Kiku blinked dubiously at you, before nodding his head with a sweatdrop. "Of course.." 

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