~Chapter 13~

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"SHITHEAD! I MISSED YOU!" Then came a familiar girl tackling you to the ground. Vladimir and Arthur yelped and stepped out of the way, but you only laughed. 

"You ass! You left me alone there!" 

(F/n) pouted, jumping back down to the ground. You noted how hyper she was, like she really is at your real world.. and it made your grin wider. "It wasn't my fault! Matthias dragged me forcefully! And you know me—"

"You have an attention span of a goldfish, yes I know." You scoffed, exaggeratedly crossing your arms and sighing loudly. "Soon, my dear (F/n) will forget me and how I used to carry her whenever she cries while drinking her milk—,"

(F/n)'s face flushed red, before gripping your ear tightly. "Ow! Ow! Alright, alright I'll shut up!" 

"That ain't good, (Y/n)! We all know you carry (F/n) every time Chad rejects her," Vladimir commented, making you laugh louder and yelp when (F/n) tightened her hold on your ear. 

Arthur chuckled, pushing past you two and patting your shoulder. "We also know that she buys milk whenever that happens." Then walking away from you and your friend's reunion. (F/n) grumbled under her breath, her cheeks becoming unbelievably red. 

"I keep forgetting I'm the main character of a show.." she mumbled, making you send her a teasing tongue out.

 "And do you know what the fuck that means?" you asked her with a shit-eating grin. 

(F/n) looked at you weirdly for a moment, thinking silently. But then her eyes widened, and she narrowed it sulkily. "Fuck you," she sighed weakly, reaching for her pockets.

Your grin didn't waver, wriggling your hands in front of her. "Told ya' I won't forget our bet. Where's my ten bucks?" 

"You said only five!" She defended, hitting your arm away from her reach.

You scoffed. "I said five if you're the main character in an alternate universe."

"And that's the deal, so why the hell did you make it ten?" 

"Double it." You started, walking to where Arthur and Vladimir went. "Because One: I guessed it right. Two: we are in the said-alternative world. I would'a made it a hundred but since you're my best friend," you ruffled her hair, making (F/n) huff and fix it again. "I gave you a discount!"

"Damn discount, that's like 90% discount. You sure you're fine with that?" Vladimir asked you, looking at you with an exasperated smile. You nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?"

At your word, you heard the familiar obnoxious voice from the Dane who dragged your friend's attention away from you. And this time, you weren't letting that happen. 

"Hey! (F/n)! C'mere , I got somethin' to show you!" 

(F/n) sighed exasperatedly, looking at you apologetically.

But she pursed her lips tightly, staring at you with a deadpan. "What the fuck are you doing?" 

"Intimidating people, that's what," you muttered, narrowing it further. You've missed your friend in this new world, no way are you not going to catch up with her this time. You cupped your hand around your mouth, and bellowed. "She's busy talking with me!" 

The frail looking teenager with shimmering pink eyes flinched, elbowing Matthias with all his might. You saw him mouth your name and gesturing at your way, to which the Dane looked back. But instead of being scared, his grin widened. And he skipped happily to where you were. 

You stood in front of (F/n) protectively, scowling deeply at the man who was now standing in front of you. Your frown didn't lessen. In fact, your frown turned into a scowl at how he crouched down to your level, and began examining you up and down. You knew you were shorter than these men, but what the hell! This was too rude, you hate him already. You were burning with rage. 

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