~Chapter 5~

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A crash resonated throughout the room, prompting you to open your eyes in haste. The first thing you saw was the clean, white ceiling that wasn't familiar to you. Groggily, you sat up, propping your elbows onto the finely-tucked bed. Your eye sight started to blur, making you rub your eyes in an attempt to rid of the dirt.

"Ah, I woke her up." You heard an unfamiliar, feminine voice said. That made you snap up and become fully awake.

Your eyes landed on the girl with a long, brown hair that had a long curl on the left side (what is with the curls?). She had a flowing sleeves that's a hint of pink, and golden trims at the end of it. Her skirt was below the knee; it was white and clean.

She looks so cute.

"Um.." you started, hoping she was just another relative of Yao. The girl flinched once she heard your voice, blinking at you. You sat and stared back at her dubiously. You expected her to say something or even a sorry for waking you up, but she started to blush and placed her hand onto her cheeks.

"So cute.." What?

She cleared her throat, standing up straight, before sending you a cheery smile. "Hello! My bad, I woke you up.. I was just bringing you your clothes. Cause that bastard Yao called me in the middle of a meeting," she muttered the last phrase in disdain.

"I'm sorry, but I just brought skirts cause I have no clue as to what your size is," she said. "I added some leggings that you can wear underneath, if you feel uncomfortable though. It's stretchable." She grinned proudly.

"Oh," you breathed out. That's nice of her, buying a stranger some clothes. If that was you, you'd instantly reject that favour. Money is important to you, and clothes are expensive. "Thank you...?"

"Mei. You can call me Mei," she said, a red tint presented itself on her cheeks.

You smiled towards her, finding her rather comforting and a person that possess no danger. "Nice to meet you, Mei!"

Mei sent you the same smile, before scratching her cheeks and pointing towards the door. "I'll be out in the living room with Kiku, alright? We're going to have breakfast soon, so if you can join us, that would be great!"

"Ah, thank you. I'll be down in a min," you replied. Mei nodded at your words, before turning around and leaving the room. And leaving you alone.

You sighed. The drowsiness went away, and it probably won't come back until you ate something.

You stood up, and fixed your bed, pushing away the thought of fixing it lazily. You weren't at your home, so you had to be proper and make everything clean. Even if you don't feel like cleaning.

The outfit Mei left was on the drawer near the bed. As she said, there's a delicate, black skirt accented with a pink printed ribbons at the end of it. There's also a silky, white blouse that seemed a little loose to you, but it might fit. Hopefully it will. There's also an opened jacket which had the hint of pink, decorating the overall look with the term: cute. You didn't know if it will suit you, so you were hesitating on putting it on.

Well, beggars can't be choosers. And the clothing looks a bit expensive too, so you just shrugged and took the clothes.

Unbeknownst to you, Mei slid off the wall next to the door with a blush, as she placed her fist onto her cheeks. "I'd give Yao a props here.. those panda ears on the walls made her cute. So cute!" She squealed. And, yeah, the wall behind the bed you were sleeping on was painted with pandas, and the lining of your form with the painting..

Let's just say it made Mei happy.


"Good morning," you greeted cheerily, sitting down onto the chair that Yong Soo motioned for you. The said-man grinned at you. "You look cute in that outfit!" Your eyes lit up. The insecurity you were feeling disappeared, replacing with a huge blush that you tried to hide by looking smug. "Thanks, I know." Yong Soo laughed.

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