~Chapter 21~

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A/n: okay first of all, there's some good news and bad news with me suddenly updating.

Let's go with the good news first. The good news is that: We finally have a decent wifi!!! At least, decent enough so i can log in everytime I update and shit. And that it won't result into an error when I do update. While the bad news is that... yall know why we got a decent wifi now?? Two words:

Online classes. Yes. Online classes sucks. :'))) But I'll try to balance it out if my mental health could (i wish it could so i can finish this story up and cry sjdjshd)

But here you guys go! Thank you for waiting even if it was very very long ksghgdkh (and would it be cringy if i said i miss u guys and ur comments like skgjskhkdhns)


".. Are you a billionaire in disguise or something?"

"Why do you say so?" Ivan provoked your thoughts, sending you a teasing smile.

"Ah.. well, I don't know. Except maybe the fact that I am staring at a large as fuck mansion that you kept saying was your home."

The Russian simply tilted his head and smiled at you, before opening the gates himself and motioning. "Let's go, да?"

You snapped out of your thoughts, before nodding stiffly. "Y-yeah, yes. Of course."

Of course, it's normal to these guys. Yao literally lives in a mansion, while Leon and Yong Soo had outfits befitting for a millionaire (yes, you saw them wear an expensive suit before and to say that they weren't hot and intimidating would be lying to yourself).

Did you say that the Ivan's mansion was enormous on the outside? Well, you didn't had the time to prepare mentally when you went inside the said-mansion.

"Holy crap.." Sparkling tiled floors, cleaned cream-coloured walls, flower pots decorations, and a huge amount of space to cry and sulk into whenever you feel depressed. This was the typical mansion of your dreams. And Ivan is living in this mansion everyday.

"Do you want to drink something? I can bring out a vodka if you'd like." Ivan's voice snapped you out of your trance.

"H-huh? Oh, just tea would be fine.."

"Alright, then.." Ivan leads you to the big as fuck living room (hell, Yao's living room won't be able to compete with this), and motioned for you to sit down. To which you did, stiffly.

You never thought you'd get to say this but.. being in the presence of someone whose money can buy yours and your whole school's property is so scary.

"What tea would you like? I will have to check if I still have some left.. have you tried drinking vodka while you are reading? It is refreshing, да?"

The Russian was smiling cutely at you, while you were sitting down on the couch and trying not to look informal.

"Oh.. uh.. no, I have not tried it."

Leon would have laughed if he heard you be so formal and robotic.

Ivan tilted his head and frowned. He was about to say something, but someone barged into the room with a lot of papers in his hands.

"Mr. Russia, you're back home? If you can, the President wants to see your answer right before the dinner later.." A man who seemed to be at your age had shoulder-length and curly brown hair. He wore a white long-sleeved shirt with a burgundy tie messily tied around his neck. He also looked very tired, and very scared at the same time.

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