~Chapter 19~

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ATTENTION!!! Hello you guys! I've been meaning to create an account specifically for this story, and well, I created one in twitter! You guys can check it out: I placed all the deleted scenes that I took effort in that account, and it sucks I have to delete that but :')) yeah.

The account name in twitter is the same as my current username: @miranhaeun 

I'd be publishing small and short stories regarding (Y/n) and the other countries as well— so you guys can request stuffs for me there and I'd try to do it! Cause sometimes, author needs some warmup and if it's a warmup with the Hetalia characters, then I can do it happily uwu. (Yall can request maybe some angst interaction in that account, or fluffy, or certain hetalia characters, I won't mind! Even if that character is very underrated, I'll still put it there if you guys requested!) Or if you guys have a headcanon for (Y/n) and other hetalia characters, just request it and I'll try to do it!

For those who have no twitter: well, you guys can message me here if you guys have requests as well:') If I have enough requests, I'll be publishing a book of all those one shots of (Y/n) and the others, since this story will have most of the plot I've made. I hope you guys appreciate it!

Now, onto the story!


You held up a bag of candies, eyes fluttering in silent pleas. 


Ivan didn't need to look at you to know the exasperated expression on your face.

"Come on," you whined. "Just one, please?"

"No can do, sunflower. That will spoil our lunch later."

"Why don't we eat lunch now?"

Ivan smiled at your childish antics. He placed a large hand on your head, ruffling it slightly. "Because we're looking at something for you."

You blanched, squinting your eyes at the Russian boy. "Like I said earlier, I'm fine with what I have right now!" you huffed. "A sketchpad is all good for me. You even bought me the expensive one! What are you trying to do, buy my friendship?" Although the last one had sarcasm hinted in your tone, Ivan flinched.

He averted his eyes from yours, frowning slightly. The air around you shifted, from warm into tense. You gulped, staring at Ivan's eyes that refused to gaze back at her.

Truth to be told.. You didn't know how to handle this Russian man. He would always joke with you when you'd initiate it, but oftentimes, he would get antsy and offended at things that didn't make any sense. If you asked him about it, he would direct the question away, and thankfully due to your non-pressuring side, you let him get away most of the time. But this day, he's become even more antsy now that Kiku was with him. It seems the boy knew how to offend the Russian with no effort. They pushed each others' buttons with no ease, and you'd be lying if you say it didn't irritate you or worry you.

"Hey.." you began. "Ivan, just what is—"

"(Y/n)-chan, can I talk with you for a while?" You couldn't even begin addressing the issue to Ivan, but Kiku interrupted you before you begun.

You quirked an eyebrow at his words. "What? Why? What's the matter?" Abandoning your candies to the aisle, you went to where Kiku was standing. He fidgeted, dull onyx eyes (although once you get to know him, you'd know his eyes shines every-freaking-time) staring at Ivan.

"Ah, then I'll give you two space, sunflower." Ivan smiled through gritted teeth, turning around and leaving you with Kiku.

Your breath hitched, the tensed atmosphere coming back to haunt you once again. Grumbling lowly, you turned to Kiku and raised a brow. "What did you want to talk about?"

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