~Chapter 18~

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A/n: So the main reason as to why I didn't upload for like almost 2 weeks or so is because I became anxious if I should split this chapter in half. I was like 'nah this all in the same day' but I was also like 'this might make the reader's bored cause of how long it is'.. :'))  (Man, I make up my schedule but I can't abide by it hahhaa I'msorryplsforgivemyprocrastinatinganxiousass)


"What are you doing, (Y/n)?" Yao peered behind your shoulders, looking at the phone that you were currently focusing in.

You glanced at him for a moment, noticing the different clothing that he had. "You're not going to work?" You tilted your head. Yao was wearing a casual pastel green t-shirt, with a small panda imprinted on the left part of his chest, completed with a black sweatpants. Such a casual outfit, but he looked as if he was modeling.

Yao chuckled, scratching his cheeks and smiling at you. "I'll get to that later. But what are you doing?"

You huffed, turning back to your phone with a smile. "I'm searching shits about Russia's culture," you said, grinning up to Yao. "I wanted to know more about Ivan's country."

You didn't notice how Yao's eyes widened at your words. "W-why his country.. specifically?" Yao laughed nervously, sitting next to you by the couch.

You shrugged, scrolling once again on your phone with interest. "I just wanted to know more about him, so I thought I'd at least start with his culture."

"Well.. his country is really cold, so why don't you start with warm countries? Like China! You're living here now after all!"

You chuckled, still not noticing the fiery look that Yao had. After all, learning about their 'country' is something that they consider as sensitive. Especially if it's a foreigner who really seems like they wanted to learn so much about them.

"Ivan is really sensitive about his culture.." you grimaced, remembering how you mentioned the KGB once. Ivan's glare really did made you shut up for the first time. "So I at least want to know what's right to say and what's not."

Yao hummed, still staring at you with those unfathomable look in his eyes. He was contemplating in his mind on how to phrase the thoughts in his head. "Um.. (Y/n)?"


"A-are you.. uh.." you halted in what you were doing, staring at Yao with one of your eyebrow raised. The man in front of you flinched at your stare, as he turned red. "A-are you free today?"

You blinked, confusion filling up the expression on your face. But seeing his blushing form, you just couldn't help but grin devilishly at Yao's cute reaction. "..are you asking me on a date, Yao?"

That did the trick.

Yao bursted into flames. Figuratively, of course. He was flailing his hands and sputtering out different excuses. Some people would have sympathized with his embarrassment, but you, you just grinned devilishly at your plan.

"Aw~ is Yao asking me out on a one on one date?" You knew yourself as one of the devils, but you just couldn't hold back at teasing when it comes to the Chinese man in front of you. His reactions were just wonderful, including the current ones he's showing you at the moment.

"I-It's nothing like that! I just had a very convenient day off from my job! A-and I wanted to spend time with you, aru—and the others, of course!"

You cooed again, making Yao freak out and panic. Your cheeks nearly tearing at the wide grin you had.

"So cute, you are so cute Yao!" You pinched both of his red cheeks, still keeping that mocking grin on your face. You knew your cheeks were slightly red too, from how much you were having fun, but you didn't care. It wasn't worse like Yao's blush after all.

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