~Chapter 12~

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Ah, whenever you hear a Conference Meeting, it strikes you with so much interest. What do the people there talk about? What other secrets can you find out? Or other traits the people there has, or have? It was full of possibilities, secrets, and other things that people are interested in.. except..

You didn't think it would be this chaotic, again.

Oh come on, you were there since you came to this world, and they were slightly behaved- but that was because there were only 19 or more people in the room. This time, though, you were certain that almost forty and above were in the room with you.

Some were screaming, laughing, and throwing shits towards the others. While some stayed quiet, like Matthew, and some slept peacefully in the middle of the chaotic place.

Ludwig, despite the chaotic meeting, gave you a nod, as he passed by you. You didn't know what to do, honestly. You shrunk from your seat, eyes darting left to right, in an attempt to find your friend, or even Yao, Kiku, and Leon.. but sadly, you couldn't find them in the crowd full of colorful people. Everyone around you wore different types of military clothing, both colorful and dull, and some were also dress peculiar in modern times. Is this a cosplay event, or what?

"Don't pack yet, we don't know if you're leaving already."

"But Arthur said-"

"No!" Yong Soo pouted, making Yao nod. "Yes, for once I agree with Yong Soo. We still don't know if you're leaving already."

You stared at the two and slowly pointed at the door. "B-but-" You were cut off once again.

"No buts." Leon sharply narrowed his eyes at you.

You sighed, smiling exasperatedly at the people in front of you. The way they were silently begging you to keep staying warmed your heart. It was obvious they were already attached to you, to the point where Yao doesn't throw Yong Soo out of the house. They were agreeing at this moment, just for you. You knew that was sweet, considering all Yong Soo does is the opposite of what Yao wants.

"Besides, I won't let them take you guys away easily!" Yao puffed his cheeks. "You still haven't met the other people in this house. They would love to meet you!"

"Alright, alright." You chuckled, grinning at Yao. "I'll come back, don't worry."

"You better be, I haven't shown you my collections of fireworks yet," Leon said, ruffling your hair with a smirk.

You huffed and swatted his hand away from ruining your hair. "Don't ruin my hair! I just fixed it."

"You still look cute no matter how messy your hair is," Yong Soo grinned at you, pinching your cheeks. You sent a playful glare at the Korean. "Har har, how funny."

"What? It's the truth!" For some reason, Yong Soo looked offended at your remark.

"Are you sure you'll be alright there, though?" Yao asked, frowning as he glanced at you with worry evident in his eyes. "Jeez, why did they have to time this with the Conference meeting? We won't be able to achieve anything from that again. Idiotic children and their young minds.." Yao sighed, rubbing his temple in annoyance.

"But Arthur is almost as old as you."

"What?" Both you and Yao asked simultaneously to Leon. Yao was offended, like he didn't expect that comment from the usual Leon. But you were confused. Just how old is Yao? And Arthur? If you remembered, the Brit looked like 25 or least than that! But Yao?..

"Alright, I'm confused.."

"Hush, let's go now. Arthur is probably there already, that Brit is always 20 minutes early." Yao stopped dead in his tracks to look at you up and down. "..we really need to get you to shop new clothes."

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