~Chapter 8~

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a/n: i might edit my stories lol. and hello! after a few days of self-healing, i finally had the guts to write stuffs again! cant you believe it, this author here is finally a lil bit happier and a lil bit productive now:> so ill probably post a long updates today, as a way of making it up. but hey, thank you for those who really waited after a year of my inactivity! and this seems like a matthew's pov chapter rather than reader's.. haha, sorry for that. but i just love matthew so much! now onto the story.. is this even a story?


"Come on, give up already, will ya?"

"Not until you give me my sweet victory."

You and Yong Soo were sitting down on the floor, facing each other with serious faces. Your frown deepened as Yong Soo narrowed his brown eyes.

After your demand, the silence became thick, only the sound of someone's footsteps and the droplet of a water from the sink was heard.

Yong Soo's eyes twitched, making you stifle a laugh. He was trying so hard, you thought.

You desperately tried to think of some actions that will cause a much more shock value than flipping him off, but then a devilish idea popped up into your head.

You slowly (real slowly) leaned forward, to create tension from the Korean. The said-man just tensed up, awaiting for your next actions.

The dreaded silence filled up the atmosphere, with you keeping a straight face. Yong Soo twitched. His hands started to move backwards. He leaned back slowly. He was obviously uncomfortable. But he refused. No way will he back down. He was now sweating. And that's when you cheered mentally.

Your plan was working.

But before you can continue, just as you were centimetres away from the Korean's face, Yao emerged from the hallway. His eyes landed on the two of you, making him confused and horrified.

"What are you two doing? Is that some kind of weird teenage system that the two of you are obliged to do so?! ARE YOU TWO ABOUT TO KISS?!"

Yong Soo suddenly looked down, his shoulders drooping. His ears were tinted red, as he ruffled his hair aggressively.

"Damnit, aniki! Why'd you have to say that!"

You bursted out laughing from the Korean's reaction. You were about to make the Korean blush, by kissing him on the cheek. You don't feel uncomfortable by physical contact, and you rarely blush. You're more of that kind of friend who's always teasing people, straightforward, blunt and never flustered.. well, you were sometimes flustered, and it's always due to small reasons. But physical contact or anything like that won't make you that embarrassed.

Also, the two of you didn't know what to do, and you were bored, so you two decided to have a staring contest. Yong Soo was right, he was hard to defeat from the staring contest, which is extremely shocking cause you thought he wouldn't even be able to sit still, not doing anything except staring at another's eyes. But you were wrong.




"NO!" Yong Soo glared at you, his cheeks burning. You howled in laughter again. The sight wasn't helping, instead, it just fuels your laughter.

"You two know that it's still early, and I haven't even taught Yong Soo the proper and safe se-,"

"Aniki! You know I'll never do that to anyone!"

"Oh, right. You'll end up a virgin."


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