~Chapter 22~

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A/n: so after a long ass break, here's a drawing of Yong Soo!! (And yes, I tried the hetalia colouring style and it is amazing). Also, there's a translation of the French sentences that I used in this chapter. You can find it at the bottom of the chapter!

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You were not a morning person.

Or at least, you prefer sleeping without any hints of distraction. Because really, you're sleep-deprived and if you do sleep early, you still feel like you're sleep-deprived. So this piece of shit who decided to disturb you so early in the morning was going in for a rough ride.

"Get off of your bed already."

"Shut the fuck up and let me sleep."

Leon's eyes twitched. He nudged you using his foot, because you were already on the floor with the blankets sprawled out.

Even after he dragged you out of the bed, you still laid on the ground, keeping your eyes closed as if you were really asleep.

Leon scoffed, but a hint of a satisfied smile came through his face. "You know, if you really wanted to sleep that badly then you should have cancelled what you were going to do today."

"Yeah, yeah.. Get out and let sleep.. " you mumbled groggily, snuggling into your blanket that was lying next to you on the ground.

You heard Leon huff. He was still mad that you instantly left right after he asked you out (he really was pouting the whole day, according to (F/n) who told you right after you got home).

"Okay, fine then. I'm leaving."

You barely realized that you hummed as an answer. You were so tired from yesterday's ordeal— or maybe you were tired because of this crazy whole week. But whatever the real reason was, you didn't wanna leave your bed. At all.

With your mind drifting back to your dreaming state, you didn't notice the way Leon kneeled behind you to whisper onto your ears. "Guess I'll tell Francis to leave you alone this day, huh?"

You froze from his whisper. Leon instantly stood up.

"Yao! (Y/n) won't be leaving with Francis, so lock the doors!"

It's as if you suddenly remembered the date that Francis told you to spend time with him this day. You shot up quickly from your spot. "DUMBASS, IM AWAKE!"

Leon grimaced. "Keep sleeping. Don't come out of your room."

"Stop being such a protective brother already, sheesh!"

Leon's eyes twitched at that. "You're really awake so quickly, huh."

He watched you wipe your eyes hastily as you tried to throw the blanket back onto your bed. "You have to clean up your room," Leon pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll clean it up after I shower."

"Clean it right now."

"What the hell is up with you? Are you still mad about Ivan interrupting us yesterday?" You asked jokingly, fake sounding mad. But Leon stared at you with a deadpan as he stayed quiet.


"... Are you legit still mad at that?"

Leon crossed his arms and leaned on the closed doors. "Clean your room up first before you leave."

Wow, this attitude.

"Do it by yourself please," you finally said, opening the closet in your room and trying to find a good outfit.

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