♛ Chapter One ♛

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Nyello welcome to my book, I am your Oppa and will be serving you with story chapters for the time being and I hope you guys love me as much as I will love you {^◕‿◕^}

"Bts why must you be so perfect?" I asked myself watching their dance moves on YouTube, attempting to do the choreography myself.


The keyword in that sentence was attempting.

I was always told I was a very expressive dancer, but I just can't help it! I get so into the music it's like I almost get some sort of high while dancing.

One of my favorite songs, sung by my all time favorite band bts, was called Spine Breaker and trying to copy the choreography I almost did break my spine.

Every time I get relatively close to "perfecting" (if you could call it that anyway) one of their songs choreography, I post it on YouTube, I've made myself proud.

Not because of my dancing, even though I love it good or bad, I was almost at 1.5 million subscribers!

Maybe once I hit that I will do a live video, and fanboy to everyone how much I adore Bts.

Or I can do a silly video with my best Noona! She's always been there for me, she says she better stay my noona once I go from internet famous to full blown famous...

"A man can dream, right?" I ask myself, unclear of what she means.

I sigh as I start running through the steps of a different song I was trying to perfect.

Jimin's P.O.V

I got bored as everyone went to sleep after a session, so I scrolled through my YouTube feed.

I miss clicked on a video, but when I looked at the title I was a bit interested in it.

"Bts Fire Choreography, not perfected"

I was confused by what he meant by it not being perfected, his dancing was otherworldly!

After about an hour, which I didn't know had gone by, I was tapped on the shoulder.

"Wha?!" I yelled out in confusion, looking up at Jungkook who hovered above me.

"Hyung what are you doing? Did you sleep?"

"Sleep? How much time passed?" I asked, glancing at my phone in my hands.

"It's been about an hour..what have you been doing this whole time?"

"I've been on YouTube, there's this guy...he's...let me show you!!" I excitedly said, scrambling to pull up one of his videos.

After I showed Jungkook he jumped up and down excitedly, "Ahh Hyung who is that?!"

"His name is M/N, but that's all I know, but I need to know more!" I said shaking poor Kookie by his shoulders.

He grabbed my hands and nodded, "We should show everyone else!"

And after that I hopped on Jungkooks back and we went to show everyone else (except Suga because he was sleeping)

We went through the door to find everyone together, "BA-dum!!" I said holding my fist into the air.

"Jimin. Always so loud." Jin said smiling, he told me to get down before I hurt myself.

"Wait! Waaiitt! We need to show you guys someone!" I clapped my hands together.

"Hyungs you'll never believe it!"

-after a few videos-

"Waahhh, Jimin you were right, he's amazing!" Hobi exclaimed.

"We want to um...we want to meet him!" Jimin and Jungkook said together.

They looked at Jin and Namjoon with pleading eyes and soon Jhope and Tae did too.

"Uh...I think we should wait until we know a spot we can um, meet him?" Namjoon questioned tilting his head a bit.

They all sighed and gave a quick "Yah yah, you're no funnn, we get it!"

Then Jimin heard a light buzz from his phone, "Ah! M/N is doing a live video!"

Before they knew it, everyone was gathered around the small screen.


M/N P.O.V (before the video)
"Oh! Noona! Lets go get tea!" I begged her in hopes of being able to relax.

"Sure, as long as you agree to let me put a video on your channel!"

"A video of what? Noona you suck at dancing-"

"Hey! My dancing is unique!" She shot back.

"Sorry sorry! Take your video, I am in desperate need of some tea!" I skipped along the sidewalk.

Noona whipped out her phone and recorded.

"M/N, in his natural habitat, going to get his favorite kind of tea..."

"Noona-Chan I was gonna wait to do a live video!" I whined, "It was gonna be special for my 1.5!"

"Too late! Your best friend can't let you get too famous, now, tell everyone how old you are!"


"So people can know who M/N is!"

"Okay, my name is M/N and I am a whopping 19 years old." I say with a thumbs up.

"Now your height!"

"Noona don't even go there I am not about to tell them that!" I covered my face.

"Do it or no tea!" She threatened.

"U-Um...I'm 5'5"!!" I said dropping to my knees, "The world has forsaken me!"

Bts P.O.V

"Wah! He's so tiny!"

"No wonder he has so much energy!"

"Jimin you can have a friend!!"

"If we meet him I would be his Hyung!"

"Jungkook we would all be his hyung."

"But I have Hyungs but no one has me for a hyung!"

I'm proud to say I tried! I love BTS, and I knew I was going to write a story sooner or later!
Not all chapters will be 800+ words!!
Bye bye!!

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