• Chapter 17 •

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Uh sorry I couldn't upload this earlier Wattpad had literally taken itself off of the fucking AppStore for god knows what reason and I couldn't get it back until now so yay go me.

Warning: This chapter contains shitty sexual content, reader discretion is advised


I woke up to someone's phone buzzing, but more importantly I woke up suggeled against Yoongi's chest, which is warm and comfy.

I decided to sneak a peek at what could be so important during my nappy time with my oh so tough man.

I rolled off of Yoongi, not worried at all about waking him up cause it's Yoongi, and I looked at his phone.

"Ahuehuehue, let's see why Mr. Personality is so popular toda-" I stopped mid-sentence, and blinked a few times.

Messages from this girl...Jennie?

"Who in the hell-?" I read the messages.

(18 New Messages)

Jennie: Yoongi-ah, I can't wait for tomorrow.

Jennie: Are you excited?

Jennie: I know you have more than just one emotion Min Yoongi.

Jennie: You read my messages?! Answer me!

Jennie: Oppa, the news is really important, aren't you excited?

Jennie: (insert graphic picture here)

Jennie: Do you not miss this?


"AHHHHHHH MY INNOCENT EYES!" I screeched in a high pitched voice dropping the phone and running to the door.

As I was running to the door I rubbed my eyes to attempt and clear the images flashing in my mind.

I ran into the kitchen, eyes closed.

"EOMMMAAAA-" I got cut short as my face collided with the kitchen wall.

"Wah Eomma.." I cried out as tears stung my eyes from the pain radiating from my nose.

"Oh my god M/N!" Jin yelled as he knelt down and brushed my hair out of my face.

He helped me up, supporting me with his arm.

"Why did you come in here so fast? JOONIE GET A FUCKING ICE PACK." He yelled in the direction of the living room.

Namjoon was heard in the kitchen shuffling around in the freezer as Jin and I sat on the couch.

"Mmm...so soft..." I said leaning over onto Jungkook's lap, holding my nose.

"Ah ah ah M/N you have to keep your nose in the original position or else it'll be uncomfortable later." Jin said as he pulled me off of Kookie.

"Jin-hyung I want M/N on my lap~" Kookie whined, hugging my arm. "He's so small I want to pet him!"

"Kookie-ah the poor baby hurt himself, and oh my fuckin god where the fuck is Namjoon? PAPI GET OUT HERE." Jin yelled, standing up and clapping his hands twice.

"JIN-AH I BROKE THE FREEZER DOOR." Namjoon yelled from the kitchen as I watched Jin's face turn from irritation to disbelief.

"I swear to god he is gonna get a beating tonight." Jin said angrily grabbing a flip flop and strutting into the kitchen.

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