• Chapter 7 •

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Welcome to Chapter 7! Today we're focusing more on some cute moments with Jimin and get a lil touchy but mostly fluff stuff okay!? Lemons come...later ;)

I woke up in Namjoon's arms...so warm!

"Mm..." I heard him sigh and he tightened his grip.

I tried to wake him up by poking his arm.

"Joonie~" I whispered, poking him again.

I turned around and poked his face, "Joonie Hyung, wakey time."

"Hmm, M/N what do you need?" He asked half asleep.

"I need you to wake up, Jin yelled from downstairs..."

"I'll wake up if you keep my shirt on."

"Okay okay fine, now up!" I demanded in a not so demanding voice.

Namjoon pulled me into the kitchen, and I walked over to Jimin while rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning Jimin~" I said while yawning.

"Aww isn't M/N so cute in the morning? You're cute all of the time though so I can't complain~" he teased, pinching my cheeks.

"Such soft cheeks too, M/N, let's go shopping today! I want to take you out just you and me, we can go to the park too~"

"You want to take me out?" I asked, blushing, he doesn't mean out on a date right?

"Yeah! It'll be a date, just us!" He confirmed, pulling me close.

I smiled, "I would love to!"

"Ah, you're such a smol child M/N! Come sit next to me~" he said pulling me over to a seat.

He sat me down and then sat next to me, "So M/N, where do you shop?"

"Hmm, lots of places heheh, I shop a little too much...but my favorite place is F/S." (F/S = Favorite Store)

"Ahh I like it there! We'll go there first!" Jimin said grabbing my hands excitedly.

Then everyone piled in, saying good morning.

"M/N, do you have to go back to the hotel today?" Jungkook asked me.

"Yeah I do, but only to change, Jimin invited me out..." I said smiling.

"Ehhh Jimin hyung how dare you!" Jungkook said with a pouty face.

"Hey first come first serve Kookie!" Jimin shot back while crossing his arms.

"Well when you're done taking M/N out, make sure you bring him home safely. Call me a few times too while you're out or I might have a heart attack." Jin said putting a hand over his heart.

"Jin they'll be fine, I'll make you hot chocolate today, and you can pick the movie this time." Namjoon said, successfully saving us from an extremely long lecture.

<time skip>

After breakfast Jimin brought us to go shopping, there was so much stuff I wanted!

We walked in and there were lots of people, I ran into a few, partly because they didn't see me.

"Ah! Sorry-"

"Here M/N, you look like you're struggling." Jimin said and grabbed my hand.

After we made it through the crowd, we were still holding hands, I decided to be bold and lace our fingers.

But before I could Jimin let go.

Only to have him grab my hand again and lace our fingers.

"Jimin hyung you beat me to it." I laughed while swaying our hands back and forth.

He smiled at me and brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently.

I blushed 100 shades of red, "H-Hyung!" I pouted and looked away.

He giggled and pulled me closer to him, "What's the matter M/N-ah? You look a little red~"

He was teasing me!

"So mean!"

"Sorry sorry! C'mon let's go!" Jimin said pulling me with him.

<another skip sorry>

After shopping, we decided to go to the park, it was getting dark and the stars were out.

"It's really pretty out tonight..." I said looking up.

"Yeah...it is." Jimin agreed as he grabbed my hand again.

We went and sat down on the bench that was in front of a pond.

"Waaahh look at how the moon shines off of the water!" I excitedly pointed out to Jimin.

"It's really pretty..." He replied.

It was quiet, but a good quiet.

We stayed like that for a while before I felt his arm make it's way around my waist, I leaned on him.

We looked at each other and smiled.

Our faces slowly made their way towards each other, I felt his breath against my lips...

He cupped my cheek and I leaned in...

Oh would you look at that! The chpater was cut short oh darn! I hope you enjoyed this one, I feel good because I uploaded again like a productive author ;)
Love, your Oppa-Chan

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