• Chapter 15 •

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Heheh, hitting over 2,000 reads means new album cover! I really hope this story keeps going to way It is! P.S. I kinda wanna put up my instagram :3

I woke up screaming after being startled by a loud bang somewhere in our hotel room penthouse thing.

I felt someone next to me sit up and grab my arm, "What's wrong?!" Tae said blinking a few times, still waking up.

"Wh- you didn't hear that?!" I said, amazed at how deep one person could sleep.

I got out of bed, wearing my onesie that has a heart on it with Jin's name in the middle.


"Jin made me wear this...I'm doing this for Jin's love." I whispered to myself.

I walked out, embarrassed, I hid behind Yoongi.

"This is the price I have to pay for Jin's love? Why couldn't it just be a giraffe onesie, I love giraffes!" I whined.

"Yah the onesie suits you since you're so tiny." Yoongi said smiling, "We just have to cross Jin's name out first." He continued while grabbing a sharpie.

"N-No no! Jin eomma will be pissed!"

"Oooh first time I heard you say a bad word. I have to tell Jin."

"Pissed is not even a bad word! Besides, I'm a rebel, I say swear words in my head." I said confidently, pointing at the side of my head.

I was going to continue before I got caught in a giant bear hug.

"OH MY GOD YOU LOOK SO CUTE! These are your only pajamas!" Jin yelled, still hugging me.

"Eh? I packed other pajamas before we left!"

"Oh dear, those were not pajamas. A T-shirt and boxers is not what I recommend going to bed in."

"You took out my boxers?!" My eyes widened, I loved those boxers, they were my boxers...FOR SLEEPING!

Flashback over

"Gah that was...I don't want to experience that again." I said to myself, as I slipped on some shorts.

I went to grab a shirt.

"Hm?" I couldn't find a single one.

"WHO THE HELL TOOK ALL MY SHIRTS?!" I yelled, running out of the bathroom and into the living room.

As soon as I got to the living room I felt cold water come down on me, like, freezing cold water.

I looked up but ya know, my mistake! The bucket came soon after, smacking me in the face.

"Wah, my nose!" I knelt onto the floor in pain, my hand clamped over my nose.

"M-M/N?! You weren't supposed to come out that was for Jin-ah!" Jungkook yelled putting his hand over his mouth.

I gave him the "Are you serious?" Look before standing up, shivering because of the cold water despite the temperature outside.

"W-What happened to all of my shirts?" I asked, trying to keep myself from killing Kookie right here.

"I-I don't know, I'll go get you a towel!" He said leaving hurriedly.

"Oh my god what happened?" Hobi walked out of the kitchen, a fork in his mouth.

"J-J-Jungkook." I managed to spit out, my whole body shaking.

Hobi put down his fork and plate and walked over to me, capturing me in a big hug.

"H-Hobi, your c-clothes-"

"I know, let me start you a warm bath, it'll make you feel better."

He led me into the bathroom and started the tub.

I like our tub, it's my favorite thing about this place, it was big enough to fit 2 or 3 people in there.

I heard the water turn off and Hobi turned to me.

"Take your shorts off, you can leave your underwear on though."

"O-Okay." I shakily took my shorts off, not because I was nervous I was just so damn cold.

I stepped in the tub and felt immediate relief, I looked up at Hobi.

"Thank you Oppa." I smiled.

"When Jin finds out what Kookie did...well, we better pray for Kookie." He said, rubbing my head.

"It's kind of sad we're leaving tomorrow, you'll go back to doing your thing and...well, you won't have as much time to spend with me, I mean, I'll go back to dancing but...I like dancing with you." I finished, my cheeks turning a soft pink at the last sentence.

"It'll be okay, we will be okay. You can come see us anytime, and we'll make sure you get there. We can come see you and try and make free time, we all love you and wouldn't abandon you. We can dance a lot, and for a long time." He said, smiling warmly.

I leaned forward, without thinking, and pecked his lips.

Hobi smiled even more and pulled me in for a longer, sweeter kiss.

Hobi has sweet kisses, they make you feel happier, they could lift anyone's spirits.


After the bath we found all of my shirts...in Jimin's bag. Why he stole them well never know, he's Jimin.

Since we were leaving tomorrow, we decided to all stay in and watch a movie.

We spent the day packing and cleaning up any messes we made because Jin wanted to make the maids jobs easier.

We all piled onto the couch, I sat in between Yoongi-hyung and Hobi-hyung.

I hadn't noticed but when the movie ended, Taehyung was sleeping on Jungkook's shoulder, who was sleeping on Jimins shoulder, who was fast asleep clinging to Yoongi, who slept on my shoulder.

It was like the train of ships, but not a single one of them knew I was hardcore Yoonmin or Vkook.

I smiled evilly and whipped my phone out.

(Author almost wrote dick instead of phone)

I took a picture, laughing to myself, I slyly slid down to the floor, off the couch and made a bed for myself.

I love them so much.

I have a big test tomorrow and have been having trouble sleeping, if anyone has any suggestions on how I can fall asleep please tell me, and wish me luck I need all the help I can get!
Take this lovely man child 💕

———————————————————————————I have a big test tomorrow and have been having trouble sleeping, if anyone has any suggestions on how I can fall asleep please tell me, and wish me luck I need all the help I can get!Take this lovely man child 💕

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