• Chapter 13 •

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Bless up good song = Gold star in my book...
*slaps gold stars on everything*
I don't have enough gold stars-
*sits in the corner and cries*

Namjoon P.O.V
We were walking through the airport, ready to leave, but Jin was hurrying everyone for no reason.

"Jin-Oppa, clearly you're overly anxious about getting there on time, so look." I showed him the time and showed him the time on the plane ticket.

"We are half an hour ahead of schedule still!" I said, sounding as enthusiastic as I could.

I saw the worry fade from his eyes and heaved a breath of relief.

I looked over at M/N to see how he was doing.

"Oh my god-" I smiled out of pity just looking at him, him dragging his bag across the floor with every step, his suitcase was too heavy for him, and he was carrying some other people's bags that he offered to hold for them.

I walked back a few steps and picked up his bag that was dragging, and grabbed his suitcase from him.

He stared at me confused, "J-Joonie-Oppa? I totally had it all under control you didn't have to help me!" He said, laughing nervously.

•TiMe sKiP•

Hobi wasn't allowed to sit next to M/N after what happened, so I was forced out of my seat next to Jin, but I was next to M/N which is still perfect.

He sat down in between Yoongi and I, I looked at him and he was looking around the plane. He seemed fine.

As soon as the plane started to move though, he grabbed one of Yoongi's hands and used the other to grab mine, Yoongi laced their fingers and made M/N put his head on his shoulder.

I let out a huff of air, probably out of jealousy, but I won't admit it.

I was listening to music and took an earbud out so I could lean over and put one in M/N's ear, as soon as I put it in he smiled and relaxed a bit more.

I smiled back at him, and gave his smaller hand a light squeeze.

— —

After we got off of the plane I was feeling more excited, it was warm where we were and sunny outside.

I held Tae and Hoseok's hands, swinging them back and forth with a bright smile on my face.

They both started to tease me about getting so excited.

"I-I've just never been anywhere so sunny!" I complained, a blush spreading across my face.

We all piled into a car and soon enough we were at the hotel we were staying at.

We were staying in a penthouse, so there was room for all of us!

I ran to the elevator quickly, pushing the button over and over again, in attempt to get the elevator here faster.

Jimin grabbed my hand and laughed at me, "Don't break the elevator!"

I played with his hand, "I'm just excited to go out!" I said bringing his hand to my chest.

The elevator finally came and we piled in. When we got out I ran down to our room, taking the key from Joonie.

In the end I couldn't get the key in correctly and sank to the floor dramatically.

"Oh poor thing can't even open a hotel door, how cute." Jin whispered to Namjoon, putting a hand over his heart.

I felt a hand on my head and heard someone slide the key in, correctly, as the door opened they dragged me inside.

"I used to have trouble with them too." Jungkook said, kissing my hands.

I laughed a little, "Oppa do you wanna swim with meee~?" I asked cutely, to sway him into coming with me. I could see others were tired from the trip.

He laced both of our hands together and nodded slightly.

I internally screamed, I am going to see Jungkook without his shirt on, I practically ripped open my suitcase and pulled out my swim trunks.

"M/N! I folded all your clothes this morning and now they're all messed up. Tell me if you need something I will get it for you!" I heard Jin sigh as he knelt down and started to rearrange my clothes.

"Sorry Jinnnn!" I said as I got up to go to the bathroom and change.

I came back out with my swim suit on and a shirt.

Jungkook walked up to me and handed me a towel, then he grabbed my hand and we made our way to the pool.

We walked outside and the pool was practically empty, I smiled widely and made eye contact with Jungkook.

Jungkook ran over to the pool as he took his shirt off and jumped in, I hesitantly took off mine as well and jumped in next to him.

We were both laughing and splashing each other, I walked over and hooked myself on Jungkook's back, not realizing how close my face was to his.

I let out a small yell in protest as Jungkook flipped me around so that I was in front of him instead of on his back.

"You have a beautiful body M/N, don't be afraid to show it off~" he whispered sweetly into my ear.

We came face to face and smiled at each other, both of us embarrassed.

We shared a few light kisses, they were chaste and sweet. They were the kind I couldn't get enough of.

It was getting dark so we decided to head in, we had our towels around our neck and we walked back in hand in hand.

We got up to our room, the few people we passed looked at us, but not in the bad way.

It made me feel a little jealous that people were staring at my Kookie, like I don't share, no way. I just wanted to cover him with 20 layers of clothing.

As soon as we got into the room everyone was passed out, we quietly snuck in and changed, Jungkook and I were excited because no one actually fell asleep on the bed.

We practically jumped into the bed, he wrapped an arm around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck, and we had our legs tangled together.

Jungkook left kisses all over my face whispering "I love you." In between every kiss.

We locked the door so no one could disturb us in the morning, so it's not like we were worried about anyone crashing our party right now.

"Kookie-Oppa, I love you."

"I love you too M/N-Oppa, always~"

I let his words ring in my head as I snuggled closer to him and drifted off to sleep.

All done! I'm changing my set up a bit, no worries, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
Love you all!

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